Dragonflight Season 4 Content Update Notes

No worries they remembered to nerf several healers which will likely make the lead VDH has in M+ even bigger… Almost certainly be a nice boost for Prot Pally as well. Other 4 tank specs get to be bottom feeders until prepatch I guess.

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Just here to add feedback that I thought the two week rotation looked great and am sad to see it immediately gone. Ideally I would have liked two weeks vault two weeks aberus or however you spell it and then all unlocked since tbh I could use a month break from amirdrassil at this point, bonus points for getting a chance to do back to back weeks on the older raids so people can remember how they go.


When you want to play Affliction, it doesn’t matter if Destruction and Demonology are good.

I can’t understand this mentality. There’s so many specs and classes in this game. I know I personally have 5 characters all over 480 right now. People need to just get away from the idea of mains.

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Why the change to weekly rotation? I was so happy that we didn’t have a weekly rotation like shadowlands, and now you’ve ruined it. The bi-weekly rotation gives guilds a chance to progress further in the raid. With weekly we are starting all over every week. This is a bad change.

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Devs have already announced that outdoor rewards will be updated. On Season 4 PTR, the outdoor rewards were indeed updated.

My issue is that it is unclear exactly what content will be updated and what the rewards will be, particular events that are tied to the current awakened raid.

Also, seeing as outdoor content is the most widely completed, devs may as well advertise the updates to get more players in.

I can’t understand this mentality. There’s so many specs and classes in this game. I know I personally have 5 characters all over 480 right now. People need to just get away from the idea of mains.

When you have time to truly learn one class or spec due to time constraints, only one spec fulfills the niche you enjoy or whatever other pluthera of reasons out there people dont need to get away from the idea of mains.

Sure i can ilvl up several toons - but i only have the time and group to push keys on one - maybe two the rest will stall at 20-22.

and for poor afflic locks - what other class can they switch to that fills that playstyle? i may main hpal but even i know that the two closest specs - boomy and spriest - feel and play nothing like the rot master…

The raids are simply being updated numerically to match the higher Season 4 gear levels, with no new affixes or mechanics.

Yet you are also saying that you want the option to do the raids un-awakened in Season 4. Is awakened “less fun” for you because it is more challenging or takes longer to complete? Aren’t you always saying that rewards need to be tied to challenge?

Not disagreeing that it is fun to gear up and stomp through any content. But you clearly have a double standard when it comes to non-raiding content. Let solo players and open world players also gear up and stomp through their content.

World events might also be awakened when the corresponding raid tier is awakened, based on PTR content.

For example, the sleepy tree event might not even award epic (Veteran or Champion) gear at all on certain weeks. It would be nice to know what is going on before the patch launches.

So that we don’t have to do the same gearing we just did, in order to fight the same bosses we just progged, but at a higher tuning amount so we have to do the same gearing and progging we just did all over again.


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What if the raids weren’t tuned a full 39 item levels higher, so that you didn’t have to prog again? And then any gear upgrades would allow you to clear the content even more easily.

This would also be good for extremely casual guilds and PUG raids.

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Please let us turn Awakened off so we can still do easy transmog & mount runs.


As has been said repeatedly please let us turn off awakened for mount farming. We spend all that time getting CE and not be able to farm the mount feels real bad.


Oh yeah, once Remix launches, I’ll be like

Though I will be back, obviously.


Way too damn slow. We now have a multiple currency gate slowing us down, Bullion, Flightstones, Crests and Sparks for crafting all conflicting with each other for priority.

There will be very low player count this season already, and with all the above said that leaves us to also choose if we want gear we need to play this season or cosmetics / mounts.

All these artificial slow gates will further push players away from S4 until Pandaria Remix, which is the only thing interesting before TWW pre-patch for the majority.

Just let us have fun, bullions being the same currency for gear and cosmetics is already painful enough, the crest and stone grind will just feel absolutely worst than ever

EDIT: And to clarify further on the multiple currency gates; having to upgrade all our gear, from dropped ones, to crafting one, to Bullion ones (through all crest types no less) and on top of it if someone has the misfortune of having a legendary they have to pay the tax of all the above.

For all thats good let us have fun…


Hopefully they’re not that stupid and cruel but it is Blizzard we’re talking about. I mean not everyone is able to sit at their computer raiding higher difficulties than LFR due to things like work and the like so to just give those folk the finger is truly rude. Some people can balance it and good for them but not everyone is so lucky and Blizz needs to realize if they keep kicking those people while they’re down they may lose them and they can’t afford to lose more paying customers

You do understand that overheal is a terrible metric to judge this nerf by right? Many things can impact overhealing which is why overhealing itself is not indicative of anything specific other than players are being healed while full, it’s a symptom. Hots/splash healing can cause overheal and that doesn’t mean healing is too strong. I’ll give an example to illustrate my point. M+ in DF has been very spikey in damage and lots of aoe/unavoidable damage, players of the group can take 80%-90% of their HP in a hit, any followup hit will end with the player dead, and even leaving the player at 90% hp to let the HOT top them off could result in their death due to these spikes. This forces the healer to heal any missing health over 10% as quickly as possible, not as efficiently as possible. That’s exactly why we see lots of overheal, because everyone needs topped up NOW and healers don’t really have time to judge if a single smaller heal or a big heal is the most efficient way to top them up. They spam whatever heal is going to get them to max and don’t care how much it overheals.

In this case overheal indicates incredibly poorly balanced dungeons. This was known back in DF beta. Remember when Blizzard stupidly decided to increase mob damage and player health to cause less spikey damage even though it A. didn’t do that at all because the 2 things offset the other causing the spikes to be exactly the same, B. Made healing worse because healing wasn’t increased but health pools were and C made certain tanks worse?

Now is a 5%-13% nerf going to make a big difference? Yeah, it actually might. A heal that might top someone up to 90%+ might now only get them to 85% and they die to a spike. It could cause the healer to need to use a 2nd ability on someone while someone else takes a big spike and they can’t get the follow up heal out fast enough to save them for another big of damage. Will it matter in low keys? Not really, but higher keys it will become a factor.

Finally just to show in another way why overhealing is meaningless in a vaccum to how well healing is doing I have a thought experiment for you. The highest key is a +34 and they are doing 50% overhealing, using your logic that means they have plenty of overhead to do a +35 right? Yet a 35 hasn’t been done. Why is that? Is it possibly because the damage spikes are so high that anything short of 100% health is a death sentence and even then you still might die. Healing isn’t the issue, overhealing isn’t the issue, the issue is the damage profile they balanced, to put it generously, the dungeons with causing overhealing to be necessary to keep people alive.

I think the vast majority of players would prefer no rotation, but you can go to any raid and have it be Awakened. If you are worried about players getting too much gear from clearing all 3 raids every week, dont because its season 4. Maybe cap the total number of bosses a character can get loot from, or once you start a raid that week, you cant Awaken another

That is an idea that very quickly creates drama in any guild. Every guild member is going to need something and having to fight over which bosses to kill on which toons is going to be an exhausting experience.

Id rather leave the agency left in the players’ hands rather than be limited by a fixed schedule. Also, before switching from every two weeks to every week, they said that on week 7 all raids will be awakened. Is that still the case?