Dragonflight season 2 Illusion

Looks like it won’t end up being a raid illusion as was speculated.


PvE kids gonna be mad af


Holy cow they finally got it right!


must have!!!

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Awesome! Can’t wait, my mog game needs to improve.

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2100 but not 2400

I can live with that

Hopefully this will increase participation. It’ll probably just increase solo shuffle participation though, as that’s the easiest route to obtain it. :confused:

Evokers next season be like:

Wouldnt matter for shuffle first timers anyways!

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Willing to bet when it goes live it will have it’s particle density reduced by half and the effect moved to the hilt of the weapon.


Let’s go inflation! I need this…


Doors and I have been training for the last month to obtain that enchant in 2s. We’ve been drinking Ovaltine and crushing old man burpies, i.e., one every 12 hours. We’re ready for this. Watch us fly, forum fam.


if it stays as such finally the return of a decent enchant.


Good illusion

Pretty decent expac all around

what is going on??

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They were actually starting to or inching towards losing money.

Can’t pay for yachts if you don’t make the money. Smart business choice.

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You got it, my man. WoW has such a strong following; you have to try to really alienate the loyal player base. I think Blizzard succeeded in BFA/SL. Their lack of communication and aloof mentality was starting to bite them. Money talks. This game is a cash cow if appropriately managed.


Dang It! Now they can have our shadowflame on their weapons!?

This is epic. Nice to see us getting something super unique and worth grinding.