Dragonflight Season 1 Rated PvP Rating Discussion

Can we get the increased Conquest earn buff now that it’s uncapped too please, unless I’ve missed it… didn’t see it today.

Thank you for acknowledging the bracket deflation problem that solo shuffle has created for 2s and 3s, but is there any hope that this feedback is even actioned this season?

10 weeks into the season with conquest now uncapped, there isn’t really a path to recapturing the “completing a full set of conquest gear” demographic for 2s and 3s as they’ve already met their goal.

So what incentive is there to participate in 2s or 3s when you start encountering gladiators from previous seasons at 1700? I’ve seen several rank 1 multi-gladiator players under 2k rating. Unless the season is expected to last for 20+ more weeks I don’t see how by season’s end 20 extra rating will even allow me to achieve a comparable 2s or 3s rating to the rating I achieved in solo shuffle in an afternoon.

I just want to be able to have achievable goals to work towards with my friends again. It’s an MMO and I want to play with my friends, but there is nothing to work towards because it’s all significantly easier to earn in solo shuffle.

Please don’t kick this can down the road for another season. 2s and 3s need help today, and setting the precedent that organized arena is discernibly less rewarding than solo play for an entire season will do permanent and lasting damage to participation in organized 2s and 3s.


Add a mount to RSS please thank you.

just like you’ll look to incentivize healers qing and just gave them double boxes im sure


to be honest I have more fun when the mmr is inflated. I dont live on this game nor should anyone. Some of the rewards that are earned at 2400 rating feel so far out of reach for most people which in turn drives up the rmt markets


Rating is so miserable. First week of DF I achieved 1750 in solo shuffle, then all gains stopped. Every single win was 0 or loss and every loss was cataclysmic. I sank back down to 1200 over the next few weeks and gave up entirely. I played 700 rounds of RSS on my priest this season, the first 100 or so the rating felt like it was working fine, then it just stopped working. It feels so bad to play match after match after match after match where you do great but lose rating.

It makes the game feel pointless. The game just arbitrarily picks winners and losers, it means nothing to have a good match. Elo makes more sense in a game like chess where it’s all very rigorous and well understood. Here, it is just total nonsense. Asking a reactive healer to 4-2 a preventative healer with this accelerated healing reduction to gain rating is ridiculous. All Elo is rating is someone’s willingness to spec hop to chase whatever is broken that season. PVP rating in WoW should be about something more.


I have no commentary in regards to the MMR / CR issues, I effectively fall under the “plays for conquest then stops” banner since I grab my 1800 set extremely quickly - upwards to a single day at times - and then stop, but I want to leave some feedback in regards to that mentality.

This is an MMORPG, and arenas are effectively just one of several times of content in a game with several paths for account progression.
If I either complete my seasonal goal too quickly, or do not have the skill to aspire towards x or y goal at a benchmark, what reason do I have to queue? When other aspects of the game - as somebody who dabbles “casually” in every form of content - are more rewarding for my time invested, and provide just as much - if not more - entertainment, why am I going to either sit in LFG looking for partners, or sit in extended queues for solo shuffle on my DPS? (I do have healer alts for instant games, but I got my set, so the point is?)

Playing for fun is absolutely a thing people do, but it is not a thing that the masses appear to be doing, especially after getting discouraged with CR based rewards, or finishishing their goals.

Is there any intention to take a proper look at the Prestige system again?
WoW does have grind based PvP rewards, but the prestige system is so brutally slow with acquisition of rewards that I’ve barely been able to entice anybody to actually partake in the system, whereas in Legion I was hosting premades constantly.

It does not matter how much you guys buff conquest / honor gains if there is no point to these currencies outside gearing and outdated sets. Even Vicious Saddles are starting to rot in the bank. Alts are fun, but they’re not fun to play at 1400 against fully geared experienced players. Even I’m growing tired of it, especially as I get older and my health’s ensured I can’t keep up anymore at higher CR.

You want people to be continually playing, but you’ve given people very little carrot to chase, while most other PvP games have seasonal grinds to work on alongside the CR based rewards. A singular transmog set and a “participation trophy” mount pales in comparison to this game’s current main competitor in genre, XIV, where they have an entire track to work on - which, surprisingly, does not have fully limited time rewards on it (they are being reintroduced later, for any concerned about it) - that includes mounts, emotes, transmog sets, housing assets, and other various cosmetics every season.
All attainable through any mode of PvP these players desire. This is alongside CR based rewards, which obviously differ to WoW’s structure.

These sort of things do matter, and it’s a reason why these systems are so common. T

Give us stuff to grind for, stuff that the guy who can’t hit 1800, or the guy who hits his capstone then quits, will actually continue to play for. Other games have gotten people who don’t PvP at all to queue up simply because they reward time.
And that’s something we need to stop pushing back against so much or else people will continue to invest their time elsewhere in the game.

People can say “play for fun” as much as they want, but watching other games in the genre revive their scenes with simple changes like the above just proves it’s worth a proper re-attempt without tying it into player power, which was a massive mistake of the first iteration of prestige back in Legion that ensured it’s failure.


Yeah ngl i’d probably work as hard as I did in legion (relative to my previous LACK of pvp drive) if I didnt look at 175 levels to get the thing I want…that isnt aspirational - its brutally daunting

You guys are way way off this season. 300MMR needs to be injected immediately. your “1500” average players are getting legitimately farmed sub 1000 CR in 2s and 3s.

I’m a 2900 max rating healer and I’m struggling below 2k rating fighting multi rank ones every second game. Solo shuffle has legitimately killed 2s and 3s. 20 rating a week is not even close to an adequate response. Try adding 300 immediately, then 20 every following week.

This whole “squish the rating every season” encourages players to NOT play the game until the last 2 weeks and squeeze in a last-minute gladiator push. it’s extremely counterintuitive. I’m tired of waiting till the end of the season to push. Inflate the ratings early on. who cares if it goes above 4000. It’s just an arbitrary number at this point. when people play the game they want to see their number go up so they are happy and keep playing. the current rating system is WAY too punishing for new players and they just keep seeing their rating going down and down and stop queuing.

You should always be able to push your highest personal record if you play well. You shouldn’t have to wait for 5 and a half months’ time to elapse then queue non-stop for the last 15 days in a season. It’s just so depressing and I’m sick and tired of battling the system.

You guys are balancing PvP more regularly which I do commend you there; but it’s all for nothing because the 2s and 3s bracket is dead. It’s not because people are enjoying shuffle more. It’s because you legitimately CANNOT push rating in 2s and 3s unless you are a well-oiled Rank 1 capable team running an S-Tier composition. Shuffle is easy rating and convenient. People are seeing the numbers they want to see so they play it much more often.

Shuffle inflated very early on which is great. Now make the same thing happen for 2s and 3s please. It will only create more interest in the game. Conquest and honor improvements are not going to motivate anyone to do 2s or 3s.


Any ideas you could share with us?

Thank you for the continued transparency. Speaking for myself, it helps me to avoid feeling frustrated, at least knowing someone at Blizzard is taking the time to consider these concerns.

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Has there been any discussion internally as to how this will impact solo shuffle?

Not only are ratings already extremely inflated (3400+), but there’s also the question of queue times. When I reached my current rating (3095), I was 23rd on the ladder overall, but my play schedule meant I was literally unable to continue queueing because no one at my MMR was playing at the same time as me.

As competition for r1 titles in shuffle increases at the end of the season and artificial MMR is injected, what will happen to DPS players who don’t queue at peak hours? It seems like they could end up unable to push simply due to queues not popping.

This is where my hang up is. I’ve always aimed to get 1800 for the elite set, and in SL it always took me a couple months of good effort, but it felt rewarding to get there as inflation progressed. Getting it in the first few weeks in RSS was sort of anticlimactic, and at that point I wasnt really into leveling an alt with the leveling process so fresh in my head.

Hopefully in the future there’s maybe added separate rewards for 2s and 3s. Even a mog with a different tint that would encourage the middle portions of the ladder

This is the thing that drives me the most insane.

I’ve gotten glad a few times. Both in the % based system of the past and the current 2400 system. My most recent gladiator was in s3 SL, so not an insane amount of time has passed since then to where I would be reasonably considered washed.

I’m not saying I’m the greatest player ever, but to have the system say I belong a THOUSAND rating below where I was 2 seasons ago is actual insanity and is beyond demoralizing and demotivating.

It’s like having 15 years experience in your career and having recruiters tell you the only thing you deserve are internships.

Why would I want to keep bashing my head against a wall like that?


I agree, as a healer main I would be incentivized to play solo shuffle more if there was a unique mount for it.
They should honestly add one for 2v2 and RBG’s as well

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Just curious, why is Solo Shuffle at 3400cr? There had to be some built-in base inflation.

Remove the combat racials idk what youd call them but remove them from every class and let us pick the racial ability we want to use. Let us play the race we want without having to play a race just cause the racial is better

If they do this they would need to go back to % rewards or gladiator becomes even more devalued than it already is.

It’s going to naturally become heavily inflated when a single game can swing your rating up or down 80 points.

around this time in shadowlands season 2 2400cr is about equivalent to what 1850cr is right now they’re off by about 550mmr of what an “inflated” season would be. making the Gladiator mount free some seasons and non-attainable other seasons is just not okay. they need to come up with a better more consistent system.


They did. It was called % and allowed the really good players to obtain the glad mount without having it be a set rating so any random person could get it when inflation was really heavy.

The problem with the % system was that there was no clear goal. Some seasons glad was 2300, others you had 3k duelists (s9 was that IIRC). And you didn’t know until the end of the season.

It’d be much better if they just made 2400 (and all ratings) consistent across seasons.

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