Dragonflight Season 1 and Raid Schedule

There’s only going to be 4 new DF dungeons in the s1 m+ rotation. Yes you can do the 4 others on m0 or heroic, but it won’t get you any gear.

It’ll also be interesting to see how The Race For Worlds First guilds handle Heroic and Mythic being released at the same time.

So people don’t feel like they HAVE to play 24/7 all day everyday and rush their leveling experience.

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My face when I see LFR is still gated.


LFR will always be timegated. There’s a good reason for it.

Absolutely NOT. Systemlands needs to end ASAP.

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I honestly don’t know why they do that. Just release each wing each week. I mean ideally, they’d release them at once, but since I’m trying to compromise with them, just let it take 4 weeks to fully open up the LFR stuff. I’m saying this as someone who will never LFR unless I want a mog from there.

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I do not want to run old content in a new expansion. This 4 new 4 old is, imo, idiotic and lazy.

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I think the Season 1 rotation should be the new Dragonflight dungeons. Then seasons 2, 3 and ect. could be the 4 DF and then 4 random older dungeons to change it up a bit.


And then they’ll cut season 1 short by a month because streamers need more twitch views.

Who the heck decided this was a good schedule? Pretty sure Blizzard employees went on vacation during december/services slow down abit.

Why not start next year for the raid? Heck why not start the expansion next year period?

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No there actually isn’t and that comes from someone who steadfastly refuses to do LFR. I can almost see delaying the raid a week at most, but it should be released in full after the 1st week and even that 1 week delay period is sketch.

Because this is to make quarter 4 numbers look good. Plain and simple. Just like SL which was a crapfest on release too.


Yes it does. We heroic raiders(maybe mythic too) would be forced to do LFR to try and get BIS trinketsor w/e else at a lower ilvl and it would suck. With a release schedule, it stops the pressure of “Run LFR for attempts at BIS pieces” because sometimes stats or procs>>>ilvl.

For starters, you aren’t forced to do anything and that doesn’t change the fact that you would be just as forced in week 2 and beyond. Back in 9.0, certain specs were tracking when a world quest that dropped a bell that had on use mastery buff was up because it was such a strong trinket for them and that’s just a pure RNG world quest spawn.

It’s also no different now with mythic+ and being “forced” to run keys though I will grant there are plenty of crying to nerf mythic+ loot into the ground simply so raiders are appeased (ignoring how mythic+ players who also want to hyper min max are far more forced into raiding but that’s not an issue for some reason).

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I hope to see Deadmines in Mythic+ :smiley:


This is unlikely to happen unless Blizzard were to do a pass and add mechanical difficulty to bosses. It’s already pretty bad seeing Jade Temple made into a dungeon because all but the last boss are mechanical jokes.

Ah so the solution would be “you can do LFR early but it’s only spectator mode and you get no gear” :slight_smile:

I certainly feel forced to do all content that gives me the potential for power to help my group :person_shrugging:
I would imagine a lot of people feel forced in that manner which is why rated PvP was more active in S1 than in the other seasons :laughing:


:nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

:nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

:nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:


This is the nightmare.