Dragonflight S1 Raid Participation is DOA

They haven’t been able to do that in need/greed for a long time.

This isn’t classic.

that requires more convoluted systems upon systems. People already comment how messed up the games code is. That would require every piece of gear to be hard locked to a specific class to prevent another class possibly even same armour type from being able to need on it.

Still doesnt help when your shammy healer needs on a healing item but the enhance decides “i might want to try a healer one day” so they need on it too, because same class. So i guess another layer of coding to specify “this weapon is for shammy + however this weapon is for resto”.

Better hope these beta “testers” who get in via stream binging actually push these systems to the limit and dont just muck with their “early access” mode.

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It’s not easy being greedy.

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Because Need/Greed hasn’t existed for a long time.

They are bringing back Need/Greed.

They have stated nothing to effect of not letting classes not being able to roll Need on stuff they can equip and “use”.

A vague “we’ll think of something later, maybe” doesn’t cut it.

Says they are doing it to stop armor type stacking and trading. Granted people did that because of how lousy the drop rates were. not sure about this change it works for organized raid groups but will suck for pugs. Would be better if it was a toggle option.

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The last time need/greed was in the game it wasn’t possible to need on items your class couldn’t use.

So I’m going with the logic that will be the case here, but I guess we will find out soon in testing.

… and Warrior can use all those things I listed.


While personal loot has its problems. It however was way better for the vast majority of guilds. Having jut played TBCC for the past year, it reminded me how much I hated the old loot system. While I can see it as a benifit for the hard core mythic guilds. The average raiding guild will only have more issues with group loot vs. personal loot.

I really hope this is only for testing and is an option the raid leader can set before the raid starts. If its forced on us, this could very well make me just quit the game as the old loot system was more drama then anything…

So why is Group Loot a bad idea… Well:

GDKP for #1
Loot Council’s giving guild buddys gear vs. who actually deserves it for #2
Lastly, just more wasted loot no one needs dropping vs. loot people can use for #3


I remember Dragon Soul LFR. People would roll need on everything because then they could hold those items hostage to “trade” for the ones that they actually want later on if they drop.

I hope they don’t make the mistake of leaving group loot in LFR.

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They weren’t counted as eligible…

Just like warriors can’t loot non-plate, daggers, bows, staves, etc. now.

Anyway speculating is pointless when we will find out soon.

nope --no difference at all --both cases loot doesnt get used .

you do that now - except the roll is made for you by teh game to decide who gets teh neck – your post just show you have absolutely no understanding on how the game works

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There already is some form of system to store the classes that can loot an item, as is evident by the existing PL system, and the dungeon journal.

But it exists in the former, again, being picky doesn’t make it not exist, so, completely different scenarios.

The Game doesn’t ninja people’s loot.

Perhaps your the pot calling the kettle black??? Maybe???

Because as someone who has raided many years with the old system and again recently on TBCC. You often only get 5 items for a 25man raid to drop. Then you only may see 1 of each item. Plus if an item drops that no one can use, then thats one less item to pool from.

The way things are with personal loot, sure only 5 players may or may not get things. BUT, its going to be something those players can equip AND there can be multiple of the same items drop. Like if two trinkets drop everyone is after, or two BiS rings drop.

Personal loots ONLY downside is you cant trade something to someone else if its higher item level them what you have had equipped. If they remove that one restriction it will be absolutely the best system.

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Funnily enough it actually does.

Someone else getting loot directly lowers your chance of getting loot. (Well, in the schrodingers cat sense of “you don’t know whether you have loot or not til you open the box”).

That doesn’t guarantee loot will be useful, or tradable if it isn’t though.

That’s not ninja looting.

As long as this stands my friends and I have decided to stop raiding completely.
The best way to vote against this change, is to vote with your feet and make this tiers raid attendance be so low they never attempt this crap again.



All they needed to do was create a toggle option for loot drops OR remove the restrictions on trading gear … but this is Bliz we’re talking about.

This just comes across as placating the CE/World First guilds with the perfect raid comp who cried bloody murder when Master Loot was removed.

Honestly, this one thing is enough to make me not to want to raid in DF. Add the abysmal rate of loot drops in the game currently and you’re better off to ignore raiding and just gear through M+.


Completely agree. I’m gonna wait and hope after the raid testings this week and the amount of threads and comments showing how bad this idea is gets it reverted or changed to an option instead of the only option. If not I’ll likely unsub and refund DF. Seems extreme I agree lol but after the last two expansions being bad I just don’t have a return to pug ninja’s and guild loot drama in me.