Dragonflight Preview: A Closer Look at the Dracthyr

Yes. Draenei are goats and people smushed together, both of which are mammals. Orcs are basically just really ripped and ugly humans with excessively large lower canines.


I think they could make it work, like Goliath from Gargoyles (AKA what the male Stoneborn in Revendreth were modeled after)


They must be because they have the equipment to nurse their young and they have hair.

I kind of love the idea of orcs being egg-laying mammals, though, just because an orc on a nest is a hilarious idea.


Right transforms into left, does left have breasts? No it does not (or any dragon that can change from a visage form to a ‘dragon form’)

Dragonkin which do have breasts do not change.

Fantasy is not real life, and dragons don’t have to have breasts, enough said really.


Honestly here are my only thoughts-

  1. they look great, and the amount of variety is insane- love that. But man, all of this just for a race that can only be 1 class??? What’s stopping Dractyhr from seeing a Warrior/Rogue/etc and being like “ayo, teach me how to swing that sword/dagger like you do!”

The class limitation feels so pointless

  1. Their more muscular option is good, but still funny how the largest a DRAGON race can be is equivocal to a human male. Drakonid must see these guys as total rodents by contrast

  2. Please add some more deathwing/stormdrake-like jaws. The ones that protrude. They look great, and so many of the options available have a very rat-like facial structure. If you don’t believe me, look at “Dragonslayer Twitch” on google images, that character is quite literally a rat getting a dragon-themed skin, and his face looks like the same shape as a Dractyhr.

Still excited to play one, but I sure wish my Monk, Hunter, or Warrior could be one.


Please, add more options for bigger bodies, like 5, 6 and 7.


Too bad. Kill all vulpera and replace them with the dragon boob race.
Also while they are at it delete worgen.


Not all of us “we” care so do not try and speak for all of us “we” they are not mammals, but reptiles so why would they have breasts I swear GD can act like a bunch of pre-teens at times.


They also started out as a humanoid race and were changed into that. If you’re thinking of those fridges that are in all the Dragon areas, anyway. Dracthyr so far as we know started out as well, Dracthyr. I like my reptilian races without breasts. :frowning:


So they are part humanoid with breasts(male or female), unlike regular dragons who magically look like any form they want. This is quite a perplexing quandry (EDIT:i misspelled Quandary)

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Deal with it nerd. Dragon boobs 4 life. And add a bulge slider for males.


A tabard isn’t bare chested.
Why is this a difficult point to get across to you?

Exactly, how about half and half. One side has a breast. The other is flat.


I bet they’re waiting for the next expansion or the one after that to trot out how the Dracthyr have acclimated to the rest of the various mortal societies, taken in their customs and mastered the various disciplines of arts and combat requisite to becoming other classes.


Amazonian drak’thyr?

Agreed. from what we’ve been told its like they were created and then “frozen” so this way of fighting is all they know

My exact thoughts. I’m fine with having a dainty dracthyr, but I really wanted a bruiser one as well and I think Body Type 4 looks good for that. As you said, a body type 5 would be much appreciated but I’m already really proud that 4 seems to have been the product of the community feedback (I think).

Not for me.

They’re just too wierd looking.

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well they look awesome
playability as always is what Im more interested in


Lots of buzzwords being thrown around in that post, but I’m glad they have so many color options regardless.