Dragonflight login screen has been mined!

Predictably, credit to Wowhead.


For whatever reason, this theme started playing in my head when I saw it:

I do hope we get dragons flying around in the background when the animation is added. :slight_smile:

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I still miss the Dark Portal.

Can we get another Dark Portal expansion after this? For the sake of the login screen?

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i just want to choose my own login screen like ff14


That would be so pretty. I’m also hoping for a more peaceful theme, kind of like the old MoP login screen. That was really nice.

Edit: I looked up the music again and it gives me such nostalgic tears, especially this part.


They added that relatively recently, so maybe WoW will do something like that in the future? Would be neat.

I like that datamined picture though. Very pretty.


It’s very pretty, I wouldn’t be mad about this.


I honestly wasn’t a fan of MoP… but that music is fantastic.

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One of the best so far.

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I loved MoP, but honestly the music has a large part in that. I love good thematic, non-lyrical music, and MoP just had some memorable bangers. So does WotLK, but I played more in MoP.

I just hope the music for Dragonflight there is nice. I don’t like SLs and I didn’t like BfA’s.


MoP was the first time that I felt a setting took us out of the WarCraft universe. They functionally took an artist’s penchant for hiding panda doodles in his artwork and churned out a race, class, setting, and story based upon that. It just rubbed me the wrong way. It ended strong, but I just felt so disconnected at launch, like I was playing a different MMO entirely.

In retrospect, I have a lot more appreciation for the expansion. But it would be disingenuous if I hopped on the MoP bandwagon in retrospect. :wink:

But yes, the music can make or break an expansion in and of itself. I can hear WoW’s earlier expansions when I see that title screen. The more recent ones have great music, too, but they seem to lack that hook that embeds itself in my memory. I need to be actively listening to it to remember it.

Oh yeah, that’s perfectly fair. I didn’t feel that same way, and MoP was my favorite expansion while still current (it helps my best friend was sucked into the game around then and it was the one and only expansion they were really super thrilled with).

The music playing in the Dragonflight trailer is a really good start; I felt myself getting emotional whenever I watch the trailer, and that to me is a solid sign of a good track. And man if I can just soar through the Dragon Isles with dragonriding listening to some really good music, I could just log in and do that for hours. Music is so much to me, I still play with it on even to this day (which is why I can say Anduin’s fight having a mixture of Arthas’ and Anduin’s themes was an incredibly beautiful experience when I finally realized it).

To be fair, Pandaren Brewmasters were a hero unit in Warcraft 3. They were originally made as an April Fool’s joke, but they ended up becoming an official inclusion.

Just like Tinkers.

Animated version:

Honestly… I’ll be rather disappointed if this is all there is to it.

Definitely needs a big old Sindragosa/Deathwing-vibe dragon. Or at least a few flitting around in the background.

That’s still shaky ground. The WarCraft universe has those joking comedic elements… I just don’t think they should ever be centerstage.