Dragonflight level sync issues

Me and my wife are trying to play dragonflight together my characters are post level 70 hers are pre level 70, and we can’t seem to not be phased from each other. I’ve tried level sinking from her end and from my end, the only way that I can play with her is to create a new character which I have too many already.

When you say “level sync”, do you mean Party Sync?

Because that’s what Party Sync is for, and it should work. At least, in Dragonflight, in open world content.

There are some exceptions, where it should work, but doesn’t, but the last time I got one in the open world was in Shadowlands.

When you are in a party, the Party Sync button is on the bottom right of your Quest Log.

You should both be in the same place when you try to use it.

If you both go to Valdrakken, and use theParty Sync button, what exactly happens?