Dragonflight - least amount of raid content in an xpac

So what you’re basically saying that Blizz has to cut content because they’re barely making ends meet and can’t afford it anymore since end of BfA because they are soo generous by not raising sub prices? This is one of the most hilarious things I’ve read in the last moths.

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We all know it.

Well except a select few.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Sure. But that’s exaggerated by Raiding being stuck in old design while M+ largely gives comparable rewards for significantly less time investment and effort in general while requiring very little coordination vs Raiding and having no lockout.

Of course no one gives a damn about raiding anymore. Blizzard has actively buried it other than the highest difficulty, which has its own problems due to the archaic raid id lockout system and limited cross realm play.

No, what i’m saying is being ignorant of what it costs to create content and how inflation also impacts the costs of running the team that makes that game and it’s changes over 20 years actually matters. It matters across the spectrum of everything and anything you buy.

Good luck in your willful ignorance. Cry more about less content while i pay for everything with Gold and you worry about spending real money because you either refuse to get better at the game or you just want to cry about something you have very limited knowledge of.


Look at raid participation vs m+ over the years. That should tell you an easy answer why a less of a focus on raids is happening.

And then look at raid participation throughout the life of classic. Yes that’s the only vector to show PvE participation in classic but loads more people are rolling alts to do molten core and bwl then even doing heroic or mythic at the comparable times. Why? Because the content is enjoyable and not another job when you come home.

Raiding is dead content, as blizzard is unable to stop doubling down on lockouts being a thing.

As said elsewhere:

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I feel like Siege and ToT were the best of both worlds though. Accessible but challenging with sprawling boss counts. Maybe that’s just the nostalgia, but I enjoyed the larger tiers.

get used to it