Dragonflight intro overwrites subrace intro COMPLETELY WHY?!

I start up a new subrace. and the dragonisles announcement blares over the intro completely overwriting it. the intro is completely silent. i have the dialog turned on. yeah tried it twice with everything save music on. i start new subrace. “WELCOME HEROES TO THE DRAGONISLES! BLAH BLAH BLAH.” COMPLETELY DROWNING OUT THE INTRO…WHO APPROVED THIS!? this is a FIRST THING A NEW PLAYER WHO UNLOCKS A SUBRACE SEES. do you just not care? you put all this effort into exile island and the subrace intro is just drowned out by dragonflight intro…
yeah im angry this completely kills immersion. new players SHOULDNT NEED TO HEAD TO CURSEFORGE to do the work you’re SUPPOSED to be doing for them. this didnt used to be like this.

No they do not.

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also im sort of a new player in this…i have NEVER unlocked a subrace. THIS WAS MY EXPERIENCE UNLOCKING A SUBRACE FOR THE FIRST TIME. and now its ruined. GOOD JOB BLIZZARD.

Welcome to development, when the QA has all been fired.

except this isnt a bug this is on the level of…just clocking in for a paycheck level of not caring.

Right? I want to hear Alleria over Wrathion.

I suspect the issue is that whoever made it did the coding this way:

  • Talk to Allied racial leader
  • Get message from Anduin to meet him in Stormwind (or horde equiv)

Dragon Isles is chosen as core levelling zone:

  • Doesn’t replace the BfA call to action one, it just stays as an item that you can right click to load
  • Wrathion set as the main voice to remind player of the key content.
  • They need to put this after the racial leader

I was levelling a Worgen in the Gilneas starting zone and even at level 10+ he will pester you each time. Delete the item? It comes back into your inventory.

how its coded doesnt mater this is just 100% lazy. they can fix it they just choose not to. why should i bother unlocking anything else when its not gonna play the intro video at all so i cant get immeresed?
you want new players blizzard? this is stuff you should be fixing. this kind of stuff is the kind of stuff you expect when playing a garbage ftp game on steam.

What doesn’t matter?

What gives you that idea? They are fine milking what they have left I believe.

I mean the execs are. this isnt for them because we all know they dont care.