Dragonflight Gladiator Mount

Haha true. I suppose you could say “shoulders are to large” so it’s a scaling issue rather then a bugged “placement” location. That might be a more accurate comparison for the sake of this argument.

Wrong. Its both

Gladiator Mounts

Gladiator Mounts in Dragonflight will take the form of a prestigious customization that you can apply to your Dragon Isles drake, in addition to a separate mount. They don’t want to make Gladiators choose between a mount or a customization.

Yeah I think the teeth are huge. And it looks funny. Blizz are just super slow to respond to stuff.

That’s what I said… did you bother to read my previous posts?

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my bad, I ignored that part because it was a reply to boostins, I only read the part after my reply. regarding the original topic, it’s a matter of what players like, maybe a lot of glad players like this current model.

I can do a post on the beta but i never push for glad and i don’t see that chin strap as a problem, I think that the Glad community should get together similar to KSM got united against the recolor for S4.

A repost to the beta section would be appreciated. I can tell you that a vast majority of the regular seasonal glad player’s share my current sentiment, both in game and in the arena forums.

I really think it’s just a scaling issue because this armor was likely designed to fit a few different styles of dragons. Something about this larger dragon model makes it look awkward.

I’ll do a post about it but just as a collector claiming for a change on the Otter mount that for me it’s a bigger issue that this chin strap, I’ll tell you that Devs just ignore this kind of reward/cosmetic feedback a lot, i only notice changes on the main component of the game and they keep ignoring the rewards.

I think the current team has forgotten that most of the player base plays this game for rewards lol.

You can get full BIS gear, fully clear new challenging content and be perfectly happy with that achievement. But at the end of the day cosmetics and linkable achievements are the rewards that add to a large portion player engagement and player retention.

I did a post but it’s a matter of perception and maybe that model with a huge chin strap is the intended by Art team.

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Gladiators don’t have to make a choice but players who have a specific mount they love, use for RP, farmed for ages, paid money for, are druids :sweat_smile:, etc… don’t get that sort of option. I can’t help but be put off by that mainly because I’ve never found a happy medium when it comes to dragon mounts. I either don’t like how they look or something is off. Especially when it comes to scaling. Curse you Legion Stormwing drakes! :sob: Maybe they will add something for those people. :man_shrugging:

Negativity aside, I am looking forward to Dragonflight and giving the flight mechanics a go. Maybe I’ll create the dragon of my dreams. lol