Dragonflight Free Weekend Not Available?

There was a brief moment where I could access the expansion when I first logged in, but when I relogged I was hearthed back to Oribos, and no option to do any DF content.

I’ve been locked out of DF stuff too. It’s strange as they said in the blogpost that you could have access even if you took advantage of the DF free trial back in december, or whatever.

I didn’t even take advantage of the thing in December lol

Just not interested…
/wipes tears from eyes

I’m actually curious about this. Had a friend come back excited to give it a go. He claimed the boost, but it vanished from his gifts and didn’t apply to his account. Unable to try Dragonflight and can’t make an Evoker.

A few days with a buggy system like this doesn’t seem enough to give it a try.