Dragonflight feels incredibly bare for $50. Virtually nothing added to the game at all

10.1 isnt on beta

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I have logged more hours in the beta since getting in then I have in season 4. It is a much better experience and I am really enjoying it, even dragon riding is pretty fun once you get some abilities unlock.

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If you all dont like DF then dont buy it.
It really IS that flippin simple.


Grow up. If you don’t like it, don’t play it. It’s really that simple. You aren’t twelve anymore. It’s okay if you don’t get your way all the time.

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Why do you care about the price of the game if you were going to drop your subscription a month ago anyway?


Every time new content is added the community goes apesh*t against it, so this time they just didn’t bothered.

Hum I’m not familiar with this system so please elaborate on this. However it doesn’t sound very interesting at all.


Yes, I also think transmogs should ignore armor type.


They intentionally make these legacy loot rarer. Guaranteed drops are now 1% drops. I personally really dislike this design since it encourages old raid farming, which is basically a frustrating repetitive walking simulator.

Don’t care about this at all, but it is indeed weird.

Yep, it is very strange. However I find the entire heritage armor system very strange.

Yep, very weird.

Actually you pointed to several irrelevant nitpicks that while I agree with most of them, it doesn’t affect my gameplay at all.

Yea, this seems to be some sort of dev crusade against boredom during travel.

Hum… most of the things you suggested I never seen being suggested before, and dragonflight seems to me like one of those “give them everything they want” expansions. Almost every major grievance the community has seems to have been addressed in it.

Im casual so I didnt get to any semblance of end game
Only ran once instance…that outdoor one where you fly between bosses. Loved it, very fast paced.
Im LOVING the content and the stuff Ive seen I need to grind for…backpacks and stuff.
If these guys dont like it…do what I did the last two expansions…either DONT play it…or autopilot thru it.
Telling me, someone who DOES like it, that Im not supposed to is just a tad mentally deficient, if ones asking me lol

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The only things I can agree with you is account wide stuff and cross faction and even the account wide stuff I am not so sure on anymore.

Sometimes having less is a good thing, no more convoluted systems, no more gate keeping, no more RNG on top of RNG, no more silly little nuisances put in place just to slow you down, just let us play the game and enjoy it and give us regular content updates so there are things to do, they are already using older dungeons for M+, why not use older zones and add things to do at max level so we can do something.

I think that’s the main issue here, we ‘finish’ a zone, do all the story quests over a few weeks and than farm what? Mounts, achievements, pets, transmog. And then when you are done with getting what you want you do what? If you are done with a zone do you bother coming back?

So why not add the same kind of farms into older zones, we are going back to Azeroth for DF, add some dragon invasions to the older zones like assaults and give us something to farm and something to work towards outside of the current expansion.

All they changed in wotlk from tbc was made heroics easier and no attunements and my realm Grobbulus had an 7 hour queue for the first week.

You don’t need crazy new features, just make the old ones good.

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You do realize ion isn’t a developer right?

He was a designer and now a director. They don’t need to code, they just need to have a vision for what they want to design, and he designed some killer raid encounters.

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the features are the result of the failure of blizzard and cataclysm and then to add insult to injury pandaria where 10m subs dipped. it went up for wod and that was a complete bust.

wow is considered to be the butt of jokes now,

“isnt that game dead lol”

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The bare minimum could be added to Holidays too, a new Dungeon, Boss, PvP brawl…Dragonflight could have used new revamp holidays as a selling point

I’m glad there’s no garbage systems clogging up DF like BFA and SL. Being able to get to max level then jump straight into actual content without having to grind some AP, or conduits, or legendaries will be a breath of fresh air.

MoP only dropped 3.2m subs, during the time when the game had subs listed it never dropped 10 million.

FFXIV is 11 years old (2011), and A Realm Reborn is 9 (2013) if you want to count the actual game people are playing and not the 2 year dumpster fire the preceded it.

WoW is 18 years old (2004) comparatively. It’s significantly older than FFXIV.

But go off making up numbers I guess.


my bad i thought it came out 2010

edit it came out September 30, 2010

so yes nearly 13 years i was right you were wrong

Almost exactly twelve years, if we’re gonna really get pedantic about it.

I agree there’s a lack of features, basically Devs can only handle Class tuning, PvP, Raids and M+, a few world events and Dragon Riding.

Shadowlands was poorly implemented but it has a Garden for Nightfae, Ember Court, Path of ascension and Abominations all those were just side gameplay, It’s like Devs can do anything besides the seasonal content. We don’t have new pvp brawls, new BGs maps, holiday updates as any other live game, removed transmog from years ago that was mentioned that’ll comeback…

You might be right.
Based on your list, you probably are right. It really comes down to expectations and mine are satisfied with the big new zones and a localized meeting place in the sanctuary area; refreshed gameplay via the talent system and so on. I’m pleased and I have not started yet.