Dragonflight Dungeon Achievements - Season 4 (and beyond)

While there was a lot of discussion about the changes to M+ coming for S4, the trickle down effects weren’t covered…or I missed it completely. If somebody has seen anything on this please chime in.

Dungeon achievements are done in mythic difficult dungeons. A mythic 0 is Season 4 is the equivalent of an M+10 today. Are we going to be doing achievements going forward in today’s 10 keys (the new 0)? Or will the criteria for dungeon achievements drop down to Heroic dungeon difficulty? Just wondering. Accidentally did one of the HoI achievements in 14 key…the healer about had a kitten.

Work on your Dungeon Hero achievement while S3 is still running if you’re not done yet and it’s on your DF bucket list. Just in case this aspect of the game has slipped through the cracks.

I would assume that you’d still have to do then im mythic 0, as there is no timer but the mythic mechanics are there which is usually what the achieves revolve around.

As for difficultly, thats kinda a good question as supposedly each season mythic 0 would be buffed. Could be a bit more of an “elite” achievement until the expansion has come and gone.

I’m almost done with mine aside from a few in BHH and DOTI, but thanks for the reminder to everyone. I guess if they don’t modify the achievement requirements going forward, I won’t be able to solo or duo some of them like I do now while they are current :frowning: Obviously some can’t be done solo, and as a group +10 isn’t that hard (although some of the runs I healed last night on my alt would beg to differ lol), but hopefully they’ll take a look at this for The War Within. I wonder if they would design the next dungeon achievements for heroic difficulty like the older expansions since heroic will be more on par with M0.