Hello everybody!
In Dragonflight there is a new feature: dragon riding.
Dracthyrs are capabe of “dragon riding” by themselves without any help of a mount. While I think this is a super cool idea I also think Demon Hunters should get a similar treatment to this. They have wings, after all. Due to time constraints Blizzard abandoned the idea of winged flight and they stated they did not rule that
Since the animation of wings will already be made in Dragonflight
I think Demon Hunters should also get an option to have demonic wings attached to their backs. I m thinking about the incubus model and how awesome it looks and frankly want that as well.
What do you guss think? Wouldnt it be nice to add further customizations like this for the DH class (as well as it would to add many options for other classes)? Also some options to customize the demon form is a long awaited feature for people that enjoy more than only raiding. And how do you see the dragon riding thing?
Edit: Also another thing that crossed my mind: Dracthyr’s humanoid form really has some good 3D head customization like scales and stuff. DH only have 2d options and I would like to see improvements there as well!