Dragonflight Disc Passive Atonement

That makes no sense. Im saying they took away ways to apply atonement because people struggled with it and you want to add back 2 ways. Im nmot disagreeing as such cause i dont care. Im just saying that was blizz’s reasoning back then. Seeing as people stil struggle playing disc, im not sure blizz will go back on that

Daketh like Disc the way it is because he’s a mythic raider.

This is why you have no cred. You are a child

I still can’t understand you, maybe if you played the game more and had more achievement points you’d be coherent to me :kissing_heart:

When you boost a priest they only suggest Shadow and disc tough. So thats not really true. according to blizz way of things to new player


I think if they added an atonement application to PoM or Renew, they’d need to reduce the healing they do because it would start to be like double dipping. You’d be able to do direct healing well and then atonement healing on top of it.

What’s wrong with that? PoM and Renew do nominal healing as Holy anyway? Why would that change for Disc?

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