Dragonflight: Dark Heart Content Update Notes

6 new hair colors…long overdue…at least it’s a start.

The new group finder updates look awesome, and will replace like three current addons for me. Can you also show the “account score” meaning you take the highest dungeons they did on the account in each dungeon/week so I don’t need raider IO anymore? This would also be better than raider IO because lots of people play many characters and their account score might be a better reflection of their experience than their main score.

Also, in the premade filter itself, can you show specs instead of colors? I know that is on the mouseover but it’s very important to know if an evoker dps is aug or dev for example because it changes the healing experience significantly. Being able to know at a glance would be helpful.

You guys aren’t seriously going to release the Darkspear set like that are you? I see you mentioned 2 additional head options I heard they’re from WOD. All you really needed to do with it was move the cloth under the nose and cover the cheeks so it isn’t just between the tusks and fix the female chest clipping. There’s a lot more wrong with this set than just the mask. lets take a look at some of those problems in the off chance someone who cares sees this and is willing to advocate for changes.
Not a single skull on the entire set. How is that in keeping with Darkspear Heritage??, no Troll Glaives, but a sword…?? This set could have been such an easy win for you guys. We waited this long for this?

  • The Colors - Two Color Options and neither incorporate the Tealblue in keeping with the Darkspear Tabard, Flag, Raptor, and Vol’Jins mask? Bad start. More on the color problems at the bottom of the list. Orange and Black is way better than Red and Silver but still needs work.
  • Helm - The mask was the direction I was hoping to see I love the wood and cloth combo but the nose and above is sub par, Sen’Jin and Zul’Jin and various Witch Doctors ALL wore the cloth bandana below the nose and around the tusks, this Heritage model leaves the cheeks bare and goes between the tusks and over the nose making the Troll look more like an Elephant or Turkey, the physics they added cause it to flop around making the issue worse (if it were worn properly the physics would be fine). The Upper Wooden portion is a call back to the WC3 Reforged Shadow Hunters and Zappyboi but both the masks in question look better than this one, could maybe make it taller, more asymmetric and better warpaint, that would make this a huge win it’s flat just don’t let it be flat if anything. It also clips deep into the Females chest, you’re not seriously going to let this go live?
  • Belt - The belt is profoundly plain, the tiki plate could have been so much better. The belt clips HALFWAY into the male Trolls legs. The loin cloth is too short it looks goofy with the lanky Troll legs this is an issue with most loin cloths on Trolls. Could use an image on the cloth segment, maybe the serpent from the WC3 Shadowhunters? If you were gonna get creative on the belt you could have atleast added a skull, a potion, a voodoo pouch, just of the top of my head…
  • The Back - Has clipping issues with the hair on female model. Clearly based around the Icon of Shadows Racial Crest ( I like the idea of it) I think the entire Troll Community can agree we were hoping to see the back build upwards more like soooooo many of the other Troll back rigs we’ve seen in art and in WC3 and on NPCs skulls and sticks and or Big Tiki Masks. Removing the small tiki masks and Voodoo paraphernalia makes this back piece less interesting than the original crest (also fails to capture the dream catcher like aesthetic, not enough straps).
    If you’re not gonna swap it out to one of the cooler rigs with skulls you should build it upward and slap a couple skulls and tiki plates on it, you’ve already taken creative liberties with it, why not make it better instead of worse? Or atleast make it a 1-1 with the Icon of Shadows. Leave things better than you found it or the same not worse.
  • The Weapon - A sword? Don’t get me wrong it’s a cool sword, and there aren’t many Troll swords in the game. Probably because Trolls Aren’t known for using swords which is why this is such a disappointing choice for a Heritage Weapon. You really don’t want to give us Troll Glaives? They were the obvious choice. There are like 4 different Troll Glaives 2 of which look nothing like Demon Hunter Glaives they’re more like double sided spears/swords. Are we gonna get a shield? If you’re dead set on not giving us any version of Glaive at least hook us up with a large Kukri in keeping with actual Darkspear Heritage.
  • The Shoulders - Again if you’re going to take creative liberties with the set make it cooler not worse. Looks like the inspiration for the small shoulder came from the WC3 Reforged Rokhan model, his small shoulder is cooler, this looks so uninspired and basic. Some Trolls wear 1 shoulder (like Vol’Jin who I believe the big shoulder is loosly based off and some WC3 shadow hunters) plenty of others wear 2 shoulders. You guys had so much art and so many models to choose from and you went with this??? The big shoulder isn’t bad you designed something decent, the small shoulder is pathetic. Again we’d have liked to have seen you guys build upward more, if not with the back piece then with the shoulders at least. Looks worse than the Tarnished Fanatics Shoulders from MOP, why is it worse than a MOP model? (Which everyone liked btw.)
  • The Boots - Is this a joke? the boots are plainer and more basic than 50% of WoW Classic mogs. The only saving grace is the Tiny Tiki Plate which could have been a much cooler tiki in keeping with the actual older models and or it could have been bigger.
  • The Chest - Clearly inspired by Vol’Jin, not a bad choice, it fits well on the female model but fits much worse on the male model, Vol’Jin is bigger and has better posture allowing you to actually see his, on the Male Player Trolls it doesn’t stand out at all. The Little Tiki you have is actually on the shoulder not the chest making this item very boring. Vol’Jins has 2 little tikis ON THE CHEST. On the Black Set I like the call back to the Blue and orange strap but it’s very slim and doesn’t stand out, the rest of the fabric is so plain and uninspired. If you weren’t going to go with a different chest tyle maybe make the pattern you put on it more visible and add 1 or two little tikis, EZPZ. Maybe do something ANYTHING with the Arm Bands…
  • The Gloves - The Gold Serpent from the Shadow Hunters in WC3 and old concept Arts and that 1 Vol’Jin image is a cool concept, only looks decent with the gold accent option really bad with the silver set, the Serpent doesn’t usually have a glove underneath though, and that glove underneath? SO BLAND. What possessed you to make such boring gloves?? Trolls mainly wear fancy Bracers anyway almost never do they wear gloves but if you gotta have something atleast make it better than that, a tiki plate with some bones on the other side not just bones and a nearly flat black fingerless glove, come on… Would’ve been cool to see some Forearm Bone Piercings anything but this.
  • The Legs - Takes inspiration from Vol’Jin and the WC3 Reforged Shadowhunter and Rokhan models I like this kind of style it’s what I was hoping to see, a good belt could have made this better, the pattern is weak, on the black color it barely shows up, and what is that silver paint on the red? What part of that screams Darkspear to you? Overall I think the fabric colors the red and black should be redone, needs a Darkspear pattern and maybe some fur on the bottom in keeping with the WC3 model, maybe very slightly more coverage on the upper leg for the Male Trolls if you’re not gonna fix the belt. Could have done something with those leg bands, something leather and furry would probably have been more fitting that’s like the least of our problems though.
  • The Colors - Two Color Options and neither incorporate the Tealblue in keeping with the Darkspear Tabard, Flag, Raptor, and Vol’Jins mask? Bad start. The Wood, Red, and Silver Set is a huge miss overall, I like the idea of the red especially for a mask but the color itself is not in keeping with any red the Darkspear ever wore too acrylic or something. The silver paint on it with the silver snake (snake has only ever been gold) the silver trim on the wood was never a thing before BFA, even the color of the wood too dark, shoulda gone with a Sen’Jin Village tiki brown or made it actually colorful, you know like a Darkspear Troll! The fabric patterns and colors on both sets, should go back to the drawing board. Even the black would have been better off as a leather brown but then you’d need to figure out the mask color.

While you’re at it if you could fix the Troll feet on the Blood Hunter set that’d be great you guys went back and fixed it for literally every race except Trolls… And please don’t do Vol’Jin dirty in this questline, man deserves to come back in an active role after what y’all did to him and all those build up quests


um this close to the patch release and still no post about a twitch drop like seriously wtf??? does this mean you arent doing a twitch drop for the patch? if so that is pure BS!!! cuz there has been one for every single patch lately in at least this expansion

also for the love of everything let the next twitch drops be corrupted hippogryph and ghastly skull charger, those mounts are awesome, dying to have them and cant afford the in game gold they are for them and definitely cant afford the rediculous amount of real money ebay wants for them

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Do we get additional char slots with MOP Remix?

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No class tuning?? This gotta be a joke

I’ve been soloing them since last season.

This heritage armor is so lazy looking. Straight dumpster fire


The Draenei on the left where is her horns? That Draenei helm looks extremely uncomfortable if you have to squish your horns into it.


I think their solution to horn clipping was…removing horns.

Super lazy, didn’t take any feedback on the Drenaei transmog. Really disappointed it’s shipping like this :frowning:


You’re not entitled to a promotion every patch. If they haven’t announced anything by now, then there likely isn’t a promotion. It sucks, but they sign contracts with these other companies and it would appear the contract is up as they also haven’t done any Prime Gaming rewards the last few months.

I might use the set but I wouldn’t use the helmet for sure.

This is hideous. Delete these and make new ones. WTF is that on the trolls ?!

Hello! We updated the Dark Heart patch notes with the following changes:


  • The lockouts for the following raids in Mists of Pandaria content now reset each day, for both Dragonflight and WoW Remix characters:
    • Normal and Heroic 10-player Mogu’shan Vaults, Heart of Fear, Terrace of Endless Spring, and Throne of Thunder.
    • Normal and Heroic 10-30 player Siege of Orgrimmar
    • Mythic 20-player Siege of Orgrimmar
    • Raid lockouts will return to a weekly cadence after WoW Remix closes.
  • Battle for Azeroth raid mechanics which block legacy encounter completion for small groups have been adjusted to be more permissive. Groups of five or fewer players should no longer be blocked by mechanics that cannot be completed at that raid size.

Or, how about letting legacy content be a daily lockout permanently :smiling_face_with_tear:


This pretty much confirms no 25 man version of these raids. Why make this so restrictive? We had the option for 10 vs 25 man raids in MoP, why not during MoP Remix?

Why are you doing this? I can understand for Retail, but Remix is supposed to give us an, albeit faster, authentic MoP experience. Making raid lockout daily to saturate rewards like gear and Bronze makes me want to play it less, not more.

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This was never the intention. Do you think everyone having access to heroic leap and ghost wolf and door of shadows and 150% hp shields and millions of dmg from a gem in your gear is supposed to be authentic? The raids are loot pinatas for bronze. There is no real per-boss loot table to chase like Retail has, from a raid in remix you’re chasing standardized gear to scrap into bronze and gems to socket.


The world bosses also appear to be daily.

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Have the Class Devs forgotten about Survival Hunter’s Season 4 Tier Set or perhaps are ignoring them?

Should I give up on playing my Survival Hunter at all this season? I know it’s a bit of a meme season but I would like to continue playing the class and spec.

Boomkins and Fury Warriors Season 4 Tier Sets were not considered upgrades and they were hotfixed last week.

Blood DKs and Survival Hunters are in the same boat and have not recieved any hotfixes to address this nor heard anything suggesting that they might be.


As current as yesterday, galakras once again requires both cannons to shoot down, making it no longer solo friendly. I suspect it was done for this event but is there not a way to both detect non event version of raid from event version and have diff rules for each?