Dragonflight codex SPOILER

my one image summary for the book

Only “new” specific lore, or interesting bits otherwise:

  • Merithra’s section doesn’t mention she’s the aspect explicitly, Ebyssian’s does
  • Incarnates section states they gave themselves their powers via a ritual, which is how it is presented in Scaleborn War novel; this CONTRADICTS the in-game presentation of Tyr forcing the Incarnates into their elemental powers via experimentation in the 10.0 Dragonscale Expedition questline; NOTE: DF launched November 2022, War of the Scaleborn was released October 2023, this book was released just now; I assume there was a post-launch pivot on the etiology of how the Incarnates came to be because of the reception the players had to the various “Tyr Evil Scientist” threads
  • Khadgar speculates that Fel or Void is involved in the creation of Dragon Ascendants, which are somehow different than the other Drakonids also created from mortals
  • Primalist Tasarek are stated to be given a choice between elemental infusion or staying normal; Dragonflight Tasarek are forced to accept arcane “acceleration” to serve the flights
  • Dragon eggs develop spikes and stone like shells when ready to hatch
  • Dragons reach full adulthood at 10 years of age
  • Khadgar says Elves have “superior intellect” to Trolls and that Trolls were lead to the well of eternity by a fairy dragon
  • Druids affirmed to have existed prior to Malfurion
  • Druids could access the emerald dream but with great effort and deep meditation prior to Ysera binding Nelf Druids to the Dream
  • Hakkar’s blood is seemingly retcon’d as not causing Nightmare corruption
  • Khadgar incorrectly states because Blizzard incorrectly believes Oral Histories are not primary sources