Dragonflight Class Tuning Incoming - June 4

Just don’t even bother

Why clickbait class tuning then just not do it?


Why not just remove mana for warlocks? If the point is that they should never run out, why do they have it? If it’s to restrict how often they use a certain spell, just give that spell 5 charges or whatever.


We reading the same post here, chief?


Yeah. I think it’s just taken as a given that the whole dev team is just racking up score on their VDH’s and don’t give a crap about actual players.


They always need X weeks to collect data, X weeks to discuss it at their weekly (if even that often) balance meeting, and then X more weeks to come up with a solution and push it.

Expect another tuning pass in mid July.


nerfing VDH would only hurt players at this point. the only thing you can do is hope that TWW dungeons dont require VDH levels of CC

No ret nerfs? Gross.

Looks at dungeons since burning crusade…

I’ll have some of what he’s having. Must be pretty strong stuff.


I hope we get to complain about BrM as the meta tank in T-Dubs. They never really had their moment in DF. Let them have fun!

Nah, they’re barely making any changes to BrM and they came out at the tail end of alpha. Now they’re moving into beta and it will be “too late for changes”.

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Shaman defensives are saved! Squishiness is ended!


Hey, so, just a heads up, Blood DK is also using S3 2pc over S4 4pc.

You probably don’t know this because it’s not a meme like Survival and that’s what informs your balance decisions rather than actual game data, but it’s true.


That’s what we thought in 10.2 PTR but the DH dev pulled some 11th hour reworks and we ended up in our current space.

Who’s the monk dev?

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What’s a monk?


Nerf Rogues

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Isn’t brew pretty balanced and complete though

no lol. if you’re not playing vdh you are literally trolling as a tank in keys


If they just removed Illuminated Sigils, they have a Fiery Brand build to fall back on that’s fine. A talent can’t be removed in a hotfix which is why people were yelling to remove it during the S4 PTR, but better late than never.

The BrM rework seems fine on the TWW Alpha? There’s lots of positive changes, but in the end it all depends on numbers tuning. And trying to figure out how the hell Ox Stance works.

We’re not playing the same game

Did they remove all the pointless buttons that are only there to empower other buttons? No.

Are the stupid “skill tests” like having Purifying Brew on the Blackout Combo list still there? Yep.

They’ve got a long, long, long way to go before it’s “fine”.

Oh, not to mention this bit of professional incompetence:
NEW TALENT #1: “Casting Purifying Brew grants a charge of Ox Stance. When you take damage that is greater than 60% of your current health, a charge is consumed to increase the amount you Stagger.”
NEW TALENT #2: “Rising Sun Kick grants a charge of Ox Stance.”
NEW TALENT #3: “Ox Stance will now trigger when an attack is larger than 50% of your current health.”

These are garbage talents.

Here’s how the NEW TALENT (just 1 point) should work:
“Casting Purifying Brew or Rising Sun Kick grants a charge of Ox Stance. When you take damage that is greater than 50% of your current health, a charge is consumed to increase the amount you Stagger.”

They shouldn’t be adding 3 talent nodes to achieve a single effect, like that. Especially since the number of talent points we have to spend hasn’t been increased.

There’s also the enormous elephant in the room that they’re still not standardizing the number of spendable nodes per spec. As long as everyone has just 30 talent points to spend, every spec needs to have the same number of spendable nodes.

That Blizzard’s developers still haven’t realized that means they need to go back to grade school and learn arithemetic.