Let’s play a game: What do you think will be the headstone(starting) powers for each spec in the Class talent trees for DF? We’ll see when they are ready to be previewed who was right. 
I’ll go first for Paladins(you can do multiple classes if you want):
Retribution - Hammer of Wrath
Protection - Divine Shield
Holy - Word of Glory
In other news, i got bored and made the class tree for paladins to compare after Blizz releases theirs and see how close i was. xD
You can guess how close %-wise i am to what Blizz will release too.
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Destro - Havoc.
Which would actually solve some aff issues too.
Aff - Instant corruption.
Demo - Tough one. So much of Demo is Demo specific. It would be funny to get something like Inner Demons so Aff / Destro can grab some passive imps too. Maybe Soul Link. But IMO it’s gonna be something new and passive, like “Your pets deal 5% more damage and receive 5% less”.
BM - Barbed Shot.
MM - Aimed Shot.
SV - Carve. (or w/e the melee “cleave” spell is called, been a while)
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I swear that for paladins so much was already shared between specs that in total the number of abilities was really low.
What was left was very spec specific stuff that wouldn’t do anything for the other specs.
So yeah, it’ll be hard to make the class tree in that case (was rly hard to come up with stuff for paladins).
But so far the rule is that it’s an activated ability at the top… at least that’s how the first 2 classes previewed have them. So maybe some new activated ability.
Yep, it’s called Carve.
Well if Havoc gets Glide… then Vengeance gets Double Jump. 
Or maybe(omg i just looked and they have so little abilities i pity Blizz when they have to make the trees for them lmao):
Havoc - Felblade
Vengeance - Immolation
Like rly… how can anyone make 2 entire trees from these 2 specs, they have so little in common. 
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Yeah I’m really curious how they’ll handle dh given how little we actually have
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Best case scenario is that they’ll have to think up of a bunch of new talents… so that’s a plus.
Maybe that’s why they’re so late with showing us the rest of the trees(3 weeks today since the first 2 classes were previewed)… they gotta put their thinking caps on. xD
Honestly at this point they need to put all the talent trees out at once. Next week will make it 4 weeks since Dk and Druid were put out. With only 6 months to go to the expansion now they can’t afford to delay the rest of the trees like they have been.
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That would be logical with how they only showed 2 in such a long time… they’re probably showing off the majority if not all the others soon™.
Glide will be baseline, like Travel form.
Ahh so it our first ability is either double jump or spectral sight ofc!
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