Dragonflight CE: Customer Service From Blizzard

No they actually can’t. No one with Blizzard CS, and especially those on the forums have anything to do with the company that runs the Gear Store. They can’t just magically call the gear store and tell them to correct an error or whatever is going on. You are yelling at iRobot because Target cancelled your Roomba order.


Limited numbers of CEs are made, Blizzard can’t magic up one for you.

My order isn’t canceled it’s listed as fulfilled yet I have nothing for it and the tracking number they gave me says the label was created on the 4th and never received by fed ex.

Dunno what was going on with my post… Anyway.

From the most recent ad email:


Blizzard Gear Store US | 7900 Rockville Road Indianapolis, IN 46214

Hopefully that’ll help you hunt down more info on how to contact Legends.

Nothing you’ve stated here makes logical sense or is related to the issue I posted… As I said, the point of making this post is to make people aware and help people with similar problems get together, maybe share our experiences.

A more accurate example would be contacting Dyson regarding my Dyson order from Target that had an issue (not cancelled).

It’s not about yelling and demanding things, it’s about stating a situation and seeing if anyone else can help because as an individual, there’s not a lot I can do on my end after trying all existing methods.

You’ve already been told by an SFA that the only help you can get is through the Gear Store themselves.


And that’s not what I’m asking for.

Thanks! I’ll look into it more.

And you have been given links to a thread with people dealing with issues with the gear store. You have a CSF in this thread telling you that they can’t see anything about the orders and can’t really give you any advise except to continue to contact the gear store. Everything thing I said was logical and correct. And yes contacting Dyson about an order from Target would be the same as what I stated, there is nothing Dyson can do to help you with a purchase made through Target.

Being cancelled or not isn’t relevant here, the answer is the same either way.


You bet. Good luck!!

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Order number, date of purchase, any ticket numbers you have from the gear store would go much farther to have this heard, Athurnz. While we can’t do anything directly, if you wish this complaint to be registered properly, that would be the proper method.


That is accurate.

Dyson would be responsible for product manufacturing, warranty, etc.

Target would be responsible for selling it if you ordered from them. Any purchase issues would all be handled by Target.

You are trying to go to Blizzard directly when Blizzard did not sell the product to you. The Gear Store did.

Any, and all, communications for this need to be through the Gear Store. Blizzard CS here only deals with things on the actual Blizzard website, games, and digital purchase system that Blizzard directly runs.

Now, if a vendor does business poorly then the manufacturer might stop selling products through them. Such as maybe Dyson would not allow Target to sell their items anymore if Target could not distribute properly.


Thank! I’ll also give this a go. I really didn’t expect a simple order issue to last this long after multiple contacts with no resolve. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Thank you for typing it all out. At the end of the day the goal here is to have this issue resolved and (hopefully) have the item delivered. Nevertheless, it is important that customers have a method to let Blizzard know what their business partner is doing and to provide feedback (Which Orlyia kindly provided) so that hopefully the same issue stop happening in the future.


If it is any consolation (which I know it isn’t much), Blizzard did just cut ties with Fanatics which was running the store before the current vendor. There were a ton of problems with Fanatics too, so Blizzard does seem to take this kind of thing into consideration.


As youve prob read above, unfortunately if the order was cancelled it was cancelled. The gear store is a 3rd party company, if they ran out of box sets like brick and mortar stores orders become a first in first served style of purchase.
If your order got cancelled either your payment failed or they ran out, their customer service is being polite and saying they will forward the issue to have the feedback recorded but they can not resolve a no stock issue. Your options would be to purchase it from somewhere else or wait for potential restock.

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Pre-patch had nothing to do with the Collector’s Edition. In fact, you didn’t even need to own Dragonflight at all to participate since it was a world event. The only thing during pre-patch that required Dragonflight was Evoker class.

And there were no pre-order rewards so I don’t know what you’re on about there.

And I get that it’s frustrating that it says “unfulfilled” instead of “cancelled”, but honestly, most people’s says “unfulfilled” even if they got theirs. My guess is that they were just shipping out so much at once that they didn’t bother to change anyone’s order. Your cancellation probably just fell under the radar.

As for why yours was cancelled, one of two things happened: either your payment didn’t go through (you entered somethign wrong, it was over your limit, your card denied the purchase for some reason - there’s a lot of reasons why this could have happened) or you simply waited too long to purchase it, and by the time you did so, they had run out and it just wasn’t reflected on the website yet. There’s always the possibility that it simply was lost/damaged in the mail. Anyway, you’re SOL. You’re unfortunately going to have to find it elsewhere.

Blizzard customer service can’t help you. It may be called the “Blizzard Gear Store” but it’s really a separate entity from the Blizzard that handles the game. So complaining on the forums here isn’t going to do anything.

Two years from now when the next expansion comes out, I’d advice two things: 1) Pre-order early and 2) keep an eye on the transactions for the card that you use to make the purchase. If the purchase isn’t shown, or it’s shown but then you see it credited back, then you’ll know it didn’t go through.

Good luck on your third-party hunt for one.


Drakks was a pet that’s exclusive to pre-ordering Dragonflight. And yes access meant access to Evoker for 10.0 and not the event of course.

For sure not the case as I can see that it went through. It becomes a problem when they take the money for a period of time without returning either the money nor product.

A quick search and you’ll see that I’m not the only one.

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If you wanted to get the Drakks pet you really had to purchase the digital pre order, because there was no guarantee that the box would ship to arrive prior to launch.


It’s part of the physical CE as indicated on the website.

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