Dragonflight Beta Priest Talent Feedback

well idk about pve,

But for PVP, this is the only option you really have.

The rest not really worth not taking Mindspke.

Deathspeaker is a great talent, but its RNG so it’s not constant.

Mindflay builds not strong enough to be worth taking in a pvp setting where CC is at its maximum output these days.

Rot build not potent enough as well. Especially with DP still being in its current state.

That’s because you can’t cast in pvp. Everyone but priests have a kick knock or stun. The only thing you have are instant casts.

I might be a bit salty about picking up a kick and stun in my spec tree as well for pvp.

yes and no. Priest Just don’t have the tools required/needed to hard cast in pvp. They are too much of a punching bag at the moment.

Warlocks have SIlence immunity spells – Two of them. Along side with static mobility, strong cc, and strong defense spells.

Mages have insane mobility and defense, with powerful control.

Shamans have some anti-silence tools in form of spell (in DF, talents) and their totems.

Druids is just a one button spam ( Star surge ) this class also needs help – same dev so no shock

yeah you do have point i personally don’t want the old voidform to come back i never liked it but i do agree that just bringing back old talents doesn’t fix or change the priest in any meaningful way. I actually do like some of the old ability and talents mainly surge of darkness and mindspike but i do think that there need to more than just bring those ability’s it back.

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pretty much how i feel.

Whats the point in bringing back the past if you don’t do anything to create something new with it or allow it to evolve? I might as well play classic, since thats when these tools been designed around the whole spec itself.

IDK, to me, clearly, some specs got way more out of the beta than others for sure.

I only do pvp mainly arena so i looking at this from that point .

welp could be worse. We could be druids.

Balance is finally getting their first talent tree overhaul since the reveal and that’s the last one in general overall lmao.

Looks like the beta was updated. Realms are still down though. Was a 2gb download.

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Hopefully, it’s full of bug fixes. I would like to see things work to get a better feel of the class mechanics.

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Well, echoing void got fixed. C’thun still sucks.

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Oh well, here’s hoping for meaningful numbers tuning…

This week was utterly disappointing. If we’re only getting tuning until prepatch, the spec will be terrible to play. We’ll see what happens next week.

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Welp thats it boys, it sDone.

Time to wait for end of expac for all classes to be fully designed.

Ima just jump the envoker train.


A thought just occured to me. Our whole DF talent tree is supposed to let us build the version of priest that we like the most. Currently it fails at this miserably.

The two most popular versions of shadow are arguably Legion and MoP/WoD. Some people despise one or the other of these versions of shadow, but those same people tend to love the one they don’t hate. Why are we unable to build either of these styles in our current DF tree?

It would be simple enough to allow both of these styles to exist in our talent tree. Just to throw out a few ideas:

Insanity removed

Devouring Plague has a 24 second cooldown.

Void Eruption now a choice node with shadowform.

Void Eruption unlocks insanity generation, removes cooldown from devouring plague and makes it cost insanity. Voidform has stacking haste and the new spend insanity to maintain voidform mechanic.

Shadowform causes mind blast and SWD to generate shadow orbs. Devouring plague now costs 1 to 3 shadow orbs to have it’s damage greatly increased. DP has it’s cooldown removed.

Mind spike replaced with void bolt.

Void bolt now has a 3 second cast time.

Surge of darkness grants instant void bolt procs in shadowform.

Surge of darkness makes void bolt instant during voidform but it gains a 4.5 sec cooldown.


Just sayin…


Sombre casts Transform: Dracthyr

Just hang it up y’all. It’s over. To all of those who wanted this clunky mess of a shadow priest and hated voidform / searing nightmare, I blame you.

S/n: Evoker is enjoyable on Beta.

casts Soar


Why would I play one of those anorexic rainbow dragons instead of Elden ring? No shadow, no wow for me.


I play casters only so I’ll try it out. It’s currently my main out when DF launches.

As for your ideas
I 100 percent agree. Shadow form should be a talent choice between Voidform.

And shadow form should have another passive talent that buffs it or changes gameplay. Like the one you stated. Even wotlk does something like this.

Like they could of done so much more. Simply lazy designing


I got beta boys. I now have, the voice


I figure once we get to the pre-patch I’ll do a breakdown thread of what to expect on Holy at least. When I look at Shadow it goes over my head. I’ll need to read a guide on what will be the new meta build and practice it.


What happened to the button pruning for discipline?
There’s at least 14 buttons just for the rotational component for disc, not even counting mass dispel, dispels, leap of faith, pain sup, barrier, power infusion. Then there’s the niche cc spells. Oh and I forgot to add divine star/halo, solace, and shadow covenant (god I hope this talent sucks cause disc has too many on use now).

Does disc really need 8-9 damage at least buttons in the rotation to heal?
Legion/bfa/slands felt okay but right now it just feels like bloat.