Dragonflight Beta Key Giveaways Are Here!

They have always been beta key giveaways, you all are acting like this is the 1st time of ever hearing of it. They will still hand out their weekly beta handouts more than likely directly from Blizzard on top of this. It just gives people more of a chance to get beta access.

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I might be wrong, but it looks like there are no PvP streamers on this list.

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Doesn’t give more of a chance. Same number of keys go out. Just now Blizzard doesn’t choose a portion of them. Oh and yes I am well aware of this not being a new thing. I will now expect to see tons of click bait to get a chance to win a Beta Key! Just what I wanted to see!

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What a terrible idea. I don’t use any of those services, twitch or twitter, or whatever, nor am I likely to.

So they think that people are so hot on Beta and have so much spare time as to hang on some minor internet person on the hope of getting a beta key?

Pass. If that’s how Blizzard sees their beta testers and testing, my meager hopes for a decent expansion fell a few notches.


Well I guess I’ll cross my fingers for something I can actually do lol and for the next random wave.

That is the most likely way to get in. The Twitter Give-away, Twitch promotions, any contests, are just that - promotions. Advertising essentially.

The random invite waves will continue too.


The biggest problem with live streaming is accessibility for the deaf - how do I know when its time to do whatever for the streamer. If people are doing giveaways - they have to be accessible for the deaf players also.


Pretty much, I’m going to continue to assume I won’t get in. Thus I won’t be disappointed when I don’t. Or at least that’s what I’ll keep telling myself. :sweat_smile:

Ironically this is getting in the way of my guild’s ability to test M+ in DF. We don’t have enough people that do M+ to run keys in the beta because the majority of our M+ runners didn’t get in. The other irony is that the only people in my guild to get beta didn’t buy DF yet.

I’ve read that the average WoW player is 31.9 years old. That means that the average player is likely to have a job, possibly a spouse or child. Likely, the average WoW player doesn’t want to watch a streamer for hours on end for a brief chance at getting beta access.

I’d love to play beta, but this isn’t the way.

Can’t you grant folks access while still respecting their time?

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Cheap advertising.

You most certainly can and have it not be reinstated. Twitter has a lot of mob reporters going on. For example Elon Musk has quite a few fanboys who will mass report you if you criticize him.

You most certainly did. Your first instinct was to bring up racism and bigotry in regards to why anyone would be banned from Twitter.

See above mention of fanboy mobs mass reporting.

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Then, you are a Mandalorian no more.


These contests / giveaways are just a massive waste of time for everyone. Flag everyone’s account and let in the people who are willing to TEST YOUR GAME FOR FREE.

Your CMs involved in these giveaways could instead focus on gathering feedback (Look at your post on Priest thread yesterday. It requires attention.)

So many things are broken on Beta right now, I can’t even test my spec because a bunch of the talents don’t even work. End-game content is about to be enabled soon, and some of my abilities aren’t in my spellbook. How am I supposed to test that stuff ?

There are probably a LOT of other things that aren’t working properly. Please focus your efforts on the right things…


No, thank you. Anything to NOT support the streamers.

Obviously you missed:

Why don’t you just open the beta gates and give your loyal players a slice of that pie?

dont care :slight_smile:

shoudlve sent more invites when ppl wanted them instead tbh.

I already covered what you said, and if the ban remains I’m more inclined that one’s “criticism” was raised in such a way as I previously pointed out as to how some folks try to ‘win’ at Twitter - no, I ain’t a fan of Elon Musk, but that doesn’t justify any of the aspects I have already pointed out

Mob mentality exists everywhere, but you are talking about being banned without probable or reasonable cause, not mob mentality

Still waiting on you for this though

:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:


Only wow player ‘content creator’ I used to watch no longer plays cause blizzard being blizzard lol.