Dragonflight alpha/beta thread

RIP, but also LOL

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The night elves don’t get territories. All of Kalimdor belongs to the Horde.

So… Tyrande wants to sacrifice the seed for Ysera.

She says no use it for your people.

Malfurion puts himself in a coma but really kills himself to bring back Ysera.

Ysera comes back and we have this big emotional moment where ysera makes a speech and uses her powers to bring back a new tree.

So thats the plot of Dragon Isles for the NEs then.
Isn’t that just swell?


It is more then the trolls get. Only destiny that awaits them is to be slaughtered in masses. Night elves are spoiled brats. Be thankful that you actually get good lore. Considering the state the Horde is in this is a privelige.

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I mean, if the choice boiled down to either getting a new World Tree (I’m guessing that’ll be a gift from freshly-reborn Ysera ?) or keeping Malfurion, then I’d say what’s presented here is the best outcome for the Kaldorei to be brutally honest

Will Malfurion actually die though ? Or is he gonna be some sort of… Maw Walker ?

Why is there a choice at all?
Why is it that anytime something positive is supposed to happen for the NEs there is a price?

What other race or even faction is treated this way?


The Horde for example. We had nothing but beatdowns and losses since MoP. Blizzard hates the Horde. Bfa was the prime example of this.

That’s the question. This situation is nonsensical and Kaldorei fans shouldn’t have to endure that BS.

Oh well. The Worgen, the Gnomes, the Pandaren, arguably the Trolls to quote a few examples, all get an equally terrible, if not worse, treatment.

The Horde, of course. The amount of important characters the Horde lost in BfA is quite astonishing when you think about it. The Alliance is not even close to equalize the Horde in that regard, even with Malfurion out.

Not that I wish the Alliance to lose characters to even it out though. That’s the worst thing to do


No they just get ignored.
NEs get a treat in one hand but than get smacked by the other.
Its very different.

The Horde is different too.
They get a negative (war criminal n@zis) + dead characters to justify it that they are now good people again.

Unless being war criminals is a positive the Horde is not treated like NEs.
Every time the NEs get something its like a monkey paw wish… you get something but there is a heavy curse to go with it too.


When did I say that because I never recall saying that

Every expansion Gnomes are lured into believing that they’re finally getting Gnomeregan and it just never happens. Worgen same but this time the Horde might graciously give it back to them apparently. Faction Pandaren have never been given ANYTHING, not only since MoP, but even in MoP ; there’s literally NO LORE for Huojin and Tushui fans to enjoy, no characters, no narratives to go through. Trolls were given empty isles with not even a freaking flight master in Cata and their legendary leader died from infection because of Joe the Felguard.

It is my opinion that they’re all getting a worse treatment than the Kaldorei. Two different types of bad, you’re right. One is still better than the other to me though.

Let’s see here, in BFA we lost : Sylvanas, Nathanos, Saurfang, Gallywix, Rastakhan. Even some newly introduced secondary characters that had the potential to become fan favorites on the long run didn’t make it past the expansion (see Zelling).
Keep in mind that in this setting, getting characters villain batted (like it happened for Sylvanas and Nathanos) is already a loss of character in itself. And Gallywix was actually set up for a more “morally grey” depiction in the books, but this never came to fruition lmao.

That Sylvanas and Nathanos had become genocidal tyrants in BfA is irrelevant. We lost them all the same. I can promise you that Sylvanas mattered at least as much (and probably more) to the Forsaken fans as Malfurion mattered to the Kaldorei fans.

So yeah. The way I see it, we had it way worse (from a player perspective of course, don’t get me wrong).


I literally could not care any less about yet another victim olympics debate where neither side will agree on what is “worse”.

My point was there is no single race or faction in this game where Blizzard promises something.

Delivers it but then proceeds to take away something in the process as a “price” so you end up back where you started if not worse.
I asked is anyone else treated this way and the answer is no.


But it would make the game fairer. The Horde lost everyone. It is only right if the alliance starts to make soem losses. Bfa has ruined the Horde.

The morality of the faction doesn’t matter. What is important that around 90% of the characters cast the Horde used to have is dead. Meanwhile the alliance grows stronger with each expansion where no important people ever die. That is an unfair treatment and needs to change.

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Go make a video about it.


If Blizzard does go through with this… I feel that Malfurion and Vol’jin will return at the same time. Which raises the question, with Vol’jin being rebirn as a Loa, would Malfurion return as an ancient?


Wasn’t my intention either, we had enought of that. It’s just that anything Kaldorei-related always ends up in sad puppy displays and lots of “oh no why do writers hate NEs so much” over stuff that half of the playable cast could complain about as well. Makes it impossible not to draw parallels, if we’re talking about special treatments.

Sure but that’d be a dead end dude. Evening it out by treating the Alliance like crap means the BS will inevitably come back to us at some point. What Blizzard needs to do is giving content, good narratives and due respect to both sides.

Once they do that, we can go back to killing each other in a way cooler and healthier manner.

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I am sick of the NE content too.
I just want to get that one singular win that tries to fix the damage that BFA and SL did and then leave them the Eff alone.

Enough already, this horse is dead, buried and then reanimated to be beaten again.
Idk maybe the Dragonflight Teldrassil is a solution for the NEs to be finally safe from the Horde’s bi-annual ethnic cleansing.
But just give them a win. No price. No sacrifice and let them fade into safe obscurity.

Yes as an NE fan I prefer no content than content.
Just give me 1 positive thing and then let me live in peace. I want to see the other races get brutalized by the writing team.


Please physically throw yourself in a dumpster you unironic fascist and proponent of ethnic cleansing. Mods, why can this tool still post?


Ehhh… The old ones were designed to make them intentionally deformed. Their old lore was… pretty bad, given they were a thinly disguised Mongolian depiction. And I dunno what else you would make them. A Centaur is half horse, half person.