Dragonflight Alpha is Now Live

HoggerIO FTW

The Alpha is for the streamers and the urber elite - the 1% - sound familiar?

Been playing since Dec 2004 - I’ve signed up for 2 betas and was invited to both. Never been invited to an Alpha and if anyone was lucky enough to have been who wasn’t a streamer of uber elite then they should buy a lottery ticket.

I have also been playing since the end of 2004. I have been invited to a couple of Alphas and quite a lot of Betas. I am not a streamer, nor have I ever been one. I am also not related to Blizzard in any way, shape or form. It is the luck of the draw, but consistently reporting bugs in the Alphas/Betas, instead of just playing it like a normal launch, helps a lot too.

Every thing changes in alpha get over it

Forcing us to spec Talents to get; OLD! (Classic, Wrath, Cata) BASE SPELLS, Base spells we’ve had in ANY spec.
Makes no sense to force us to spec in baseline spells.
Too lazy to make new spells to put into those Talent slots?
Sure feels like it.

Is there supposed to be a build today?

Hoping so … :crossed_fingers:

Edit: guess not :frowning:

Is there one? I see blue posts about dragon riding but no generaL development notes :thinking:

I was hoping to get into Alpha or Beta myself but didn’t which is sad as I’ve really nothing to do I just entered hospice care and hoping I get to see the game go live, but do to health issues I very likely might not. So living vicariously through a bunch of streams I guess it’s not the same but it’s all I got.

I have been in every BETA since Cata. I have nvr been invited to an alpha. I have been playing since “05” I love checking out the BETA stuff. I have no interest in the Alpha. The folks are usually to anal and demanding. Taking the fun right out of a game. I Pay to play.

My nickels worth anyway

My main Bnet account was given beta access, not this one.
I have to say…SO FAR, at least…VERY pleasantly surprised.
We asked you to DESIGN the game with your mechanix in mind, and so far the first zone is very much designed FOR flight. and we actually have ‘flight’ that is turning out to be a lot more fun than the "mini game’ description made it seem like it would be.
The game play actually has somewhat of a retail classic feel to it. I LOVE retail classic content.

Jesus…the ONLY thing you could have done to ruin this expansion like the last two is have it filled to the brim with time wasting systems instead of REAL content…questing, exploring, Finding new stuff, etc.
I hope thats not the case this time.

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More crappy retail. No thanks.

That is a silly thing to say.

The beta key give aways were a poorly done PR stunt. People who already had a key got more with multiple accounts, then sold them. Some streamers also didn’t follow the rules blizz laid down for giving out keys.

super duper luck rng

Yea lol i didnt get alpha but i got into beta at least :joy:

Drakthyr will not be fun to play and almost impossible to RP until they can ACTUALLY USE THEIR WINGS LIKE THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO. The team is clearly lazy and didn’t want to add this incredibly obvious feature. And their excuses about not adding it, don’t make sense and live on the idea that we as a community are stupid. Drakthyr as of right now, are trash. Plain and simple. Add flying, add armor models, fix head size, fix talents and stats, get it right or watch your numbers drop to nothing again in a couple weeks.