The memory “Webbed Crusaders” is completely bugged, so the Lich King cannot spawn and we cannot complete the event.
To clarify a little bit more. We already completed the event once. The progress bar RESET, and now it takes about 3 minutes for 1%.
The memory “Webbed Crusaders” is completely bugged, so the Lich King cannot spawn and we cannot complete the event.
To clarify a little bit more. We already completed the event once. The progress bar RESET, and now it takes about 3 minutes for 1%.
Was reported in Beta too. Glad to see Blizz listens to reports
Yup, No Ony spawn either.
I cant take it anymore lol. I cant remember a single beta or prepatch so buggy it’s borderline unplayable. Glad we all waited an hour and a half for this.
Im pretty sure i saw a post about this back in Beta lol
working as intended just a slow spawn rate
Seems to be spawning, just very slowly.
I was just there, it’s not a slow spawn rate. The final echo cleared was the lumberyard one, but as soon as it hit 100%, it all despawned, but then the tracker came back up at 0%… no way to complete it.
We completed ours and then it reset back to 0%
Yeeeeeeeeeeahhh… The timers are a great idea but you can’t plan around this event today.
Ya it’s been ridiculous
You dare invade magnataur lands?..
Yes, low spawn rates seem to be causing problems. Not sure it is working as intended, spawn rates usually scale to population, and they don’t appear to be doing so here.
Just adding to this - mobs are spawning very slowly. 50-60 players standing around waiting to fill up the bar. Has taken around 20 minutes to go from 20% to 70%. This is not fun.
74% now! woohoo!
I know this is day 1 of 3 weeks, but I really hope there’s a currency buff given the disparity between flat mob grinding and the transmog/catchup gear prices, especially if this bug lasts longer than literally one cycle. The quests aren’t reliable.
94% now!
It would be amazing if just for once, one of these limited time events rolled out smoothly, as if the people who designed them took pride in their work. 60 or so people standing around twiddling their thumbs is not a good event.
Hey I’ll have you know that the Bonesunder guard are indeed not twiddling their thumbs! They’re killing him reliably and constantly!
So frustrating. In beta I reported this in game and on forums. Everyone waiting around did a bug report too. Do they not listen?