Linkis Dwarf Warrior OT from Average Joe’s. Hello former fellow AJ’s! Looking for our fearless leader Farky. Also my favorite pally healer Neverender.
Herror here from Protean Syndicate! Anyone else around from this guild?
Unscene NE Rogue, was in A New Dawn and pvp’d quite a bit.
Crossposting in from the Horde thread. Even if I haven’t played with you, if you spent any time in the leveling brackets, there’s a good chance you might have ran into me, or I ran away from you.
Now that the server list is out, I’m curious what everyone’s plans are. I didn’t really play with a specific group of people. I mostly just played with the community of the bracket I was in, or with the people passing through. But I did play with a lot of people, and you knew where to find me (unless I was hiding).
I’m assuming people want to roll on a PST server like Dragonblight was. Is everyone planning on heading to the same server?
Since I ran around with the PvPers, I’m wondering if any of those players are interested in trying a PvP server this time around. I know since the advent of private servers, a lot of people now say PvP is the only way to play, so some PvErs might also be interested in rolling on a PvP server. I know I rolled on Dragonblight because PvE was called “normal” and I didn’t realize I was into PvP at the time. It looks like there’s 2 PST PvP servers, but one battle group. Everyone could roll on the same server, but it would only really matter for WPvP. Alternatively Dragonblight players could roll Horde on one PvP sever and Alliance on the other.
I expect the RP and RP-PvP servers to turn into megaservers filled with people who have a total lack of self-awareness looking for a “mature” community. I have no particular desire to roll on the high-pop megaserver full of all the biggest names in streaming. Something similar to Dragonblight’s old medium population community is nice, a population size where I could get a decent rank without a full time commitment is a plus.
My interests:
I could be convinced to level 60 this time, but I can’t say I like PvP play once AQ40/Naxx gear starts creeping in. I also don’t like extreme tryhard twinking, and will be avoiding 19’s like the plague. Most likely 20’s too.
50’s - So if you’ve ever played against me, chances are you can imagine why I’m interested in this bracket. There’s someone planning a 59 Alliance guild, and I have half a mind to join them, and half a mind to stand against them. They don’t seem to have much traction yet, and the effort is spearheaded by some turbotwink who seems to pride themselves on ruining some 119 bracket in the same manner (yes, yes I know, some accused me of ruining the bracket for not letting them win and being unwilling to win-trade). As far as I can tell, they never actually played 50’s, nor do they actually like what was great about 50’s, which is no raid gear with mechanics like 60. There’s no pride in self-gearing, pride in not relying on raid epics, or pride on earning equipment through actual PvP. They want to bring everything wrong with twinking and 60’s to 50’s. They want to bring ZG raid gear, T0.5, Naxx chants into the bracket and make it normal for them. They want to roll 60’s specifically to twink 50’s. I kid you not, they want to farm consumables for PvP and crutch spam goblin sapper charges, even though they should have a huge advantage without it. I can’t deny the allure, but it is at the same time horrifying.
The really awful part is they want to dominate the bracket this way. They don’t even want to have twink rivalry, the common twink defense. They want to be an entire guild no-skill overgeared twinks that only win because of twink gear and farm2win consumable spam. I can not imagine a more awful play experience. Even in my peak I was made to work on occasion (xrealm braindeads excluded). Now I love dominating a bracket, I love having an advantage, but I have no problem stripping down to undies if someone complains to me I only win because of gear. I never excluded anyone because they weren’t in my guild (of course, being unguilded most of the time). I never had to min/max team comp. I rolled with the randos and the regulars. You did not have to be some uber1337 twink to play with me. Farming consumables to use in PvP instead of just doing PvP? Really? I don’t think the GM/HWL premades even did that.
I would love to crush their hopes and dreams because I’m a bully like that, but I can’t do it alone. Xrealms means I can’t just meet and friend randos in BGs, and it means I won’t bump into the same regulars as frequently. I don’t plan on being in literally(in the figurative sense) every 50’s match this time around. At the very least, I’d need a sizable pool of interested and competent PvPers to rely on, ideally with people besides me who can call shots in AB, run flags, or have an interest in learning. Given that AQ40/Naxx gear will become more commonplace than it ever was in Vanilla, consider if that’s the long term endgame PvP exerience you want out of Classic. Steam rolling as a Naxx raider, being rolled by Naxx raiders, or the silly PvP balance that is Naxx raider vs Naxx raider.
50’s has the potential to be a classic 60’s-like bracket, forever, but only if it isn’t taken over by extreme twinkers turning it into something worse than 19’s.
40’s - I prefer 50’s, but not if a guild like that exists. If no one is interested in 50’s this is probably where I’ll settle down with a mix of raiding on an alt. I will probably need more than just a handful of 50’s for 50’s work out given that turbotwink guild.
PvE - Call me when TBC hits.
(This is a repost from the dragonblight realm forums but i think they are pretty dead)
My name was Suffacate Dwarf Hunter I remember so many of you guys its crazy. You probably don’t remember me I was trash. Let me share some memories I have of vanilla.
I want to thank Ironlionzion and the other hunters who had rhok delar, help me with acquiring it by giving me tips.
Endall and Bananaboy would always gank me.
I remember when dirnok was horde and he would always destroy in BGs then he made his infamous switch to the alliance we were glad to have him lol
I embarrassed myself on April fools day by falling for the joke blizzard used that year it was that wisp where the new race lol. I made a post on the forums titled WHIPSSSS!?!?!?!?!?. I was the whips guy for a min.
Bastilashaun was only level 20 when I first met him had no idea he would be grand marshal one day.
U N I T E D was actually featured on the G4 Special of World of Warcraft. They helped us in AQ 20 once.
I remember we had a Husband and Wife both get GM in the same week I think one of their names was Equinoctium.
I forgot who it was but we attended someone’s wedding in Duskwood in the grove where the world boss spawns. maybe someone remembers who was there.
Who can’t forget that one time we organized a huge war in the crossroads??
I remember there was a video of it but it seems to be lost to the internet now.
I always loved doing AV with all the top PvPers and guilds those are some of my most cherished memories. I don’t know any of you personally but we’re all connected in some weird way. We all spent years together in our own bubble. Even though we were a PvE server it always felt like a PvP server cause we all would flag ourselves. I am proud to say I played on dragonblight we had many amazing players on both factions.
I once watch Rugius take out 5 guys by himself he was amazing
Koushi best flag runner NA We used to hate you. My friends and I still talk about you when we reminisce of the good days. LVL 59 all the way to HW you might have been one of the only people to do something like that on any server.
Dekkenfrost was one of the best mages and I love fighting him. (he always won)
I could go on forever but maybe you might remember these people too.
I’ll be playing Classic Probably on the Fairbanks server since there wont be any streamers so far and its PST. My bnet is bnasty#1496
Sophytia - Holy Paladin. Was in Asgard and Tabula Rasa. Did a loooot of PVP.
So much fun seeing all these guilds I recognized back in the day.
Fairbanks (H) Whitemane (A)? What are your thoughts?
…Since I can’t delete a post, I guess I’ll quote myself logged into the right character…lol
I ran with EULOGY, who ran with sultans for a while with the SGA setup. I was Koshlog, dwarf hunter. Pito the gnome mage, Franky boy the night elf hunter, and Starlett the night elf priest were the main 3 eulogy folks that ran with you guys.
My first Character was a night elf hunter and I was in my Friends nephew guild few of the guild members Fatherbung, Tozar, Gwenivere
Oh man. We clashed in AV so much. I tell stories about you all these years later. I spent most of my time on Koshlog, a dwarf hunter in EULOGY. Good to see that name again!
Wahledor, little bouncing gnome mage here. Formerly L.O.R.E and moved to Debacle later, but honestly I cant remember if that was still in classic or BC.
Yup. I am here. Pops plans on playing again, I will personally be running a guild - probably on Atiesh. They’ve been long divorced so we don’t have a good melee lead. Probably gonna only go Semi-Hardcore. No pushing, but defiantly want to see the endgame (IE: Naxxramas).
Zolidar#1549 btw
Anyone else from < The Fire Burns > or < Exigence > around?
I defiantly remember all these people from Average Joes and familiar names but I don’t recognize what we did together (possibly). Spent a lot of my time getting people on and together for the raid nights. Being younger I had little hand in actually leading anything - but I do recall people would come to me for times and what was expected if we ran joint-guild runs or took someone new through MC or BWL.
Dragonblight was a very great Vanilla realm to be on. Big community, got a lot done in it’s time. Not to put down or degrade any of the other realms; only that this one was very Alliance heavy and one of the very few that could say that during 2004-2006 lifecycle.
we literally share stories about you over the last decade man. Glad to see you’re coming back. Can’t wait to be hunting yah down again
Priestey from < forty thieves > < the fire burns > < Atm > < U N I T E D >
This name looks familiar, were you in Riders of Dragonblight during Wrath as well?
I didn’t hit max level in Vanilla, but some of these names look somewhat familiar from hanging around Ironforge. On the off-chance someone crossed my path while leveling: played this dwarf hunter named Huntdown.
Sent you a request Absolute#1621