Dragonblight Alliance Reconnections

Anyone here from the old guild “Deadly Knights”? I also remember running with players named Grizlor and Pito and Frankyboy. Man a long time ago.

Wow I remember you! Grouped up before to run UBRS. Good to see you!

Yo Deathis! Had a hunter named Shadowwind from ROTS. Good to see you!

Blaid > NE Rogue … hoping to connect with any of the old ATM crew that founded Reckoning … Kryrstal, Domilab, Badgeroozle, Tashis, Durpydurp, Vubo, Chursen, Dhrod, and the list goes on. If any of you guys are hating up classic let me know what server :slight_smile:

Farky here! Saw some Average Joes love come early and often in this post. I played with so many unbelievable players & would love to reconnect. Reply here with name/server you intend to play on, and can’t wait to see everyone in game. I created a warrior (surprise surprise) on Pagle realm & I intend to play casually & continue my tanking ways…probably won’t have much time for raiding (due to RL), but plan on playing daily & catching up with old friends. Miss everyone and can’t wait for the launch next week!


Check out post #205

FARKY! thought we lost you forever we will be playing horde on fairbanks. Add me on battle.net Bnasty#1496

Magh reporting in. Also known as Perol (Human Paladin). Used to roll with some noob named Drazgrath.

I’m seeing a lot of familiar names and guilds on here which is awesome! Don’t be strangers!

Yes! I played through WoLK in Riders of Dragonblight. Your name looks familiar as well! I have a couple of old Riders guildies in my guild now. Nice to see old faces! :slight_smile:

Blaide! add me on bnet! thlunk#1694 we’re rolling on atiesh

Nice to see you on here man! I played Turyalon (holy paladin) and later took over my dads warlock Castermaster in Echelon. Hope you and your dad Sojyn are doing great.

Kryrstal! Done. Created my characters … Blaid was taken grrrr
We’re getting the old band back together :slight_smile:

Wooo! Welcome back man! Slagathorus#1242

Farky is a name I saw frequently in my vanilla days. I think we played on the same schedule. I’m in the same boat as you… not going to be doing any raiding. Just checking back in with friends. Maybe I’ll see you out there.

Wow, this is really cool. I was Dicenslice (Night Elf rogue). I was in Esoteric and Dark Syndicate.

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I remember when Scythe got Quel’Serrar, i’d inspect himm in IF all the time lol.

im good how about you ? what server do you plan on playing im on Myzrael

if you want to add me ThedonWolf#1842

OMG Cowmaster! I still have screenshots where I convinced this dude that Exodus was actually an LGBT guild, and this guy spent the entire night trying to “save” me from being gay lol. Funniest conversation ever!

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It was a long time ago but man I had some good times with the lot of you guys. I am still in touch with Siorion, Zorvain, bolin, Killerb, turum and blore.

We absolutely had a falling out but it would be great to play with all you guys again. Those were the best times of wow.

I remember you guys, I played Darrun; Dwarf Paladin. I think a few of us are playing on Mankirk (A).