Dragonbane Keep event broken

Went down to join the Dragonbane Keep event and even though the timer says it’s started, the NPC’s are just standing there and everyone is waiting for it to go.

I was also thrown out of the shard I was in as a nearly 40m raid sized group of people just suddenly disappeared, leave me and only two others.


Saw a similar thing with the siege AND the soup event.
I can understand Blizzard wanting to create a different “path” of choices with the Val weekly, but to include both of those events that are notoriously buggy when it comes to phasing/sharding tech was a poor decision. If it is frustrating to do the content due to buggy sharding, then the content gets ignored. At least in my case.


just wait - when you turn in that weekly you get ilvl 350 green gear now

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Been there, done that. Got the 350lvl staff. I suppose I should be grateful, it matches the 350lvl ottuk sash and breeches I received from the soup event.

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Just happened again, I’ve been sitting here for a half hour to make sure I didn’t miss the start, it’s now 15 after 8 and they’re still standing there, the other people that have been waiting are also still waiting for it to start.

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Currently having the same issue. The NPC’s are standing around, this quest has not started yet…been waiting for 38 minutes for this to start.

NM…it looks like the start time changed…

Dragonbane Keep is still not working. Attempting to finish Last Hurrah: Dragon Isles. Beef just won’t move.

It is every two hours on the even hours. I just did one. So 2 am, 4 am, 6 am, etc.

First day I believe it was every hour and I think they need to make it every hour when they have it as a weekly. Doing it at 2 am still resulted in about 50 people there.

Just tried to do the 4am (EST) Keep event on Thrall, it broke mid-event. Got to the phase to clear out the keep, started fighting a mob, and the event just despawned in the middle of fighting.

For once, i don’t it was caused by phasing. The mob I was fighting didn’t disappear, nor did any of the other players in the area.

Happened on my server too.
There was like 20 of us at the event location waiting for it to start, all like: “!?!???”

Did they change it to being every two hours?

It hasn’t been consistent since Tuesday. I’ve found the in-game timers on it are not accurate.

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11 am no start, 12 noon and still no start.

well you should have got it last hour - I did one then - the next one will be in 45 minutes again. I was stupidly referring to my time. Also most times it doesn’t happen exactly on time - might be a couple of minutes after the hour.

It could be on some servers it isn’t spawning - that has happened before.

The soup event I did yesterday, seems like I phased like 5 times thought-out. At the very last minute the soup quality went from legendary to epic.

On the first day of season 4, the DBK event didn’t start for three hours. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

There’s been other times where it just skips an hour, but does it the next (so 2 hour timer for the event essentially) … Despite the in-game timer stating it’s meant to be on the clock of every hour.

Not sure what’s going on. :person_shrugging: