Dragon Soul - Ultraxion Backstab

Hi there, I was hoping to open a discussion and possibility of a change to be implemented on Ultraxion in Dragon Soul to allow certain specs to perform to the best of their ability.

As Heroic Ultraxion can be so tight in the first few weeks when it comes to DPS and the hard enrage timer - I believe a change in Ultraxion’s hit box to allow backstabbing from the front would be greatly appreciated.

Having to write off multiple specs almost immediately if you’re trying to beat the DPS check and having to stack multiple classes (mages) doesn’t sound very fun or enticing in my opinion.

I did read somewhere that in the original PTR for Dragon Soul Ultraxion was indeed backstabable but when the raid went live this change wasn’t carried over.

Please give this some thought Blizzard! Would be much appreciated, thank you.

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Do you not have Daul spec? Or do you not know how to play combat spec which doesn’t require you to be behind the boss?

As a Rogue, you have multiple specs that are 100% viable for this fight, unlike Feral Druids, who need to be behind the boss to do optimal damage. Therefore, you have more flexibility in adapting to the encounter without the need for changes to the hitbox.

Also, let’s not forget about the resources that Blizzard has allocated to Cataclysm. You want the last 3 devs running on their hamster wheels to completely alter a fight? Do you have faith that that won’t break the game even more in the process?

we killed ultraxion on ptr and we adapted our feral tank right out of the raid and replaced him with a bdk, feral definitely has it worse than rogue does

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Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, combat is the only viable spec if you are trying to kill Heroic week 1 but I wasn’t making my plea just for Rogues as you pointed out Feral have it extremely rough - but I appreciate your input.

Just because there is an option, which would require reforging every time you get to Ultraxion or alternatively having two completely separate sets of gear, doesn’t mean we can’t request blizzard to make a slight change to allow backstabbing on a fight that as mentioned above on the PTR back in Cata hayday had previously allowed backstabbing.

There will also be the option of “Just play a different spec/class” which is fine, but what about for those who don’t/cant? You also didn’t seem to comment on the fact that class stacking is needed for certain fights (Ultraxion, Spine) but some guilds are only 10-man with no access to such stacking.

I don’t believe allowing Ultraxion to be backstabbed would be “completely altering a fight” but I’m not a coder, so no idea what that would envelope.

I am being realistic here. With the developers’ history of attempting to fix issues only to break the game further, it might be best to consider this as a it is what it is. I know im going to hate playing feral on this fight just like i hate it for entire phase on Rag. Mangle spam yay!!!

I am not a coder either, but I have observed how the developers have broken the game during the beta phase with their changes. For instance, the extra action button has been broken since beta, when they removed guild perks and Void storage, and then added Retail transmog. They have only just now fixed it so it functions correctly for this fight.

Exactly, I wasn’t making any unrealistic requests and truthfully don’t expect any changes, but doesn’t mean I can’t make a plea and pray!

This is by far the worse offender as there isn’t even a phase or two where you can back-stab to then shift to your front facing attack etc i.e Rag, Al’akir.

This fight also having a big DPS check, just didn’t feel very enticing for those who enjoy back-stab specs. Requiring to either play a different spec/class entirely or not kill Heroic week 1.

98% of the players won’t clear 8/8H Week 1.

This has no meaning on the topic, I don’t understand the relevance of the statement?

He doesnt want the fight to favor feral in any way because he wants to point at it to say “feral needs a buff” in the hopes of feral becoming godly op from a buff that will never come.

He has been complaining about feral “needing a buff” since cata launch, just with alt hopping shenanigans.

However if feral and/or rogue are getting dropped in mass on that fight, blizzard might actually make a change to it. But i dont see that happening outside of the first few weeks for those chasing full H clears asap.


I was merely pointing out that 98% of players won’t clear 8/8H in the first week highlights the fact that the vast majority are not aiming for such a high level of competition right away. This context helps to put into perspective that balancing gameplay around the top 2% might not be as critical.

That is not the case. I merely stated that the dev’s inability to properly fix or change things would more than likely break the game. Therefore, leaving it alone is better than trying to fix a single fight.

Why I do understand your point. Making this change will also help enjoyment of the boss in the long run, having your favourite spec/class being able to perform to its highest ability over a long term is extremely rewarding game-play .

Ultraxion will always be that boss you will never look forward to if it hinders said favourite spec or forces you to play in a way you don’t want to. Considering it’s a Patchwerk fight, would be nice to play your ideal spec at the best it can.

This isn’t even a balancing thread, it’s literally about allowing certain abilities to be used on the boss, which can be used on all other bosses.

While I understand your point about the enjoyment of playing your favorite spec or class to its fullest potential, it’s important to note that there have been other similar fights in WoW Classic that also present challenges to certain specs and classes, and no changes have been made to them.

Requesting a change specifically for Ultraxion to accommodate a particular playstyle is not feasible, considering the resources and potential risks involved in altering existing mechanics this close to launch.

While the desire to play your ideal spec at its best is understandable, adapting to the unique challenges of each encounter is also a rewarding aspect of gameplay. It encourages creativity and flexibility in overcoming obstacles.

Just so I’m clear on this… you want an ability called BACKstab to work from the front? Get outta here with that >.>

That is exactly what they want. I play a feral druid, which gets impacted worse than any other class for this fight. They also have ALOT of faith in the last 3 intern/devs running on their hamster wheels to not break the game in the process. This close to the launch to DS.