Dragon Shards of Knowledge don't drop

I tried to submit a ticked for this but it was closed with an automated nonsense reply. Trying here because this is very clearly a bug and needs to be fixed.

I haven’t looted a single Dragon Shard of Knowledge. I know they’re supposed to be rare but for everything I’ve done on my war it is nearly impossible to not have ever looted a single one.

I’ve completed the quests to unlock them, and the skip was still available so I completed that too before it got disabled. I don’t think my character is flagged properly to be able to loot them.


The thing with RNG is that it can be a fickle being.
Sometimes items drop quickly, and other times it can leave you asking “out of all those otters, not a single one had a liver!?”.


I’ve been playing MMOs for over 20 years, games in general a lot longer than that. I’m aware of what RNG is and how it works. However, I’ve dug up 200+ dirt piles, opened 100+ expedition packs, killed countless rares and who knows how many thousands of normal mobs since doing the unlock quest early last week. Statistically speaking it is nearly impossible to not have seen a single one yet. Something is bugged here.


In that case, you should either make a thread on the bug report forum or report the bug through the in-game bug report feature. Tickets are not a valid way to report bugs, which is probably why yours was closed.


I am having this exact same problem. I unlocked loremaster this week, done hundreds of dirt piles and chests, grinded rep, tons of herbing. ZERO shards. Did you get any response on this?

Nope. Ticket was auto closed by a bot and Blizz changed this to a bug report.

End of week two I’m il,l 384.87 renown 16, 25, 17, 15, and True Friend with Wrathion as well as looting so many dirt piles and scout packs they don’t give dragon isles resources anymore. Not a single dragon shard of knowledge though.

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Pretty sure they tampered with the drop rate, since Last reset they dropped normally. Either the drop rate is now abysmally low or they dont drop at all due to a bug.

Unless they made the drop rate 0% this doesn’t apply to our issue.

I have to agree with OP it seems like my char is bugged as well. I’ve dug up hundreds as well and not seen 1

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Have you at the very least gotten the ones from the renown weekly?
Are you finding a lot of the other knowledge items and have a lot of the specializations already filled out? Maybe they’re more of a catch up mechanic and only drop often when you fall behind in specialization knowledge?
I’ve seen 3 in a row on my rogue. And none on my mage. My mage has higher skill levels in their professions whereas my rogues aren’t as high. But I’m at least getting the ones from the weekly on all my characters so I know they “drop” for them.
Edit: The characters I started playing at the launch of the expansion haven’t seen many if any. The ones I’m starting to play now are seeing them.

There’s Dragon Shards from the renown weekly? I’ve done 28 of those over the last two weeks and not one Shard.

Which makes me think my characters - and presumably a lot of the people here - are ineligible for them. Certainly a few of my guys haven’t done the necessary quest chain in Oh’nara, but a lot of them have.


I have also had 0 drops of the item after turning in the initial ones I found during week 1. My alts have found multiple and didn’t even complete the questline for them.

per my tracking weakaura for dirt piles/packs I have looted 1100 total and looted 0 shards on my main that did complete the quest. Seems very not normal to me!

Yeah, I’m not remembering perfectly but I’ve gotten quite a few across my characters from those. I’m about to level another one up and get the weekly done. I’ll report back on it. I’ll even try to level a couple up and get through it to see.

If you’re not getting those it does sound bugged. I thought the ones from that were guaranteed because you can only get one a week.

So i turned in two of them and didn’t get them. I don’t think it’s bugged, at least not for me personally, but it could truly just be very very bad RNG. I have a mage like that. He never sees the rare drops, but I’ll go play my trash hunter and boom they drop like skittles.

Another update: I finished three more renown weeklies (I had to get them to 70 to do the keep siege) and two of them had one (one on the lucky rogue.) I’m not finding them from digging or packs, one day I found 3 on my rogue from the digs/packs. Since then, none except for the renown weekly.

Yep, I’ve spent 8+ hours a day for the last week looking for them, Nada, not a single one. Yet my friend who logs on for maybe 1-2 hours a day, has found 4 so far this week…

And as for the weekly that can give them? what weekly? I never have any quests, weekly or otherwise, that give them as reward. Ever since finishing the quest and getting those ones, I have yet to see a single one drop.

I guess I should Just accept that I am a second-class citizen, not worthy of looting these, because blizzard says no.

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Im in the same boat. After the unlock for these, I havent gotten a single one still, despite doing literally EVERY world quest - the weekly - nearly all the super rares every day - and dug hundreds of dirt piles.

Not a single one looted.

Three options :

1: they intended it to be a catchup mechanic and we’re caught up. Which… really sucks for us and whomever is in charge of that should take a look at it.

2: When they changed the skip they somehow disabled the buff it gives you for everybody that got it previously, or changed the buff ID or something.

3: Whomever set the RNG set it to be waaaaaaaaay to rare, or it needs some sort of bad luck protection. Like I can say I’ve done more than 200 shovel charges since tuesday, which means I’ve also gotten packs and almost every chest I’ve come across (except one molten chest because paladin has no ice damage).

If its 1, it should still have a basic drop rate.

If its 2, they need to fix it.

if its 3 then they should be able to just double the drop rate and call it a day. On a side note, they should also double drop rate for the treasure maps because going out and looking for the specific one I want is literally making me hate the dragon isles, and that sucks because its pretty self evident that a lot of people put a lot of work into not just making it but making them work.

It’s been nearly two months now and I have yet to see a dragon shard drop on my main or any of my alts. Sure, it could be an RNG thing, but those of us who have to accept zero as a result will never be willing to accept this. I have submitted my own bug report at this point but considering I’ve found other bug reports for this same issue, I’m doubting it will get any attention.

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I’m having the same problem are you have had two only then nothing and I have never got it from a weekly.is your profession 100 .I’m stuck at 67 so I thought that might be the issue.

Also having this issue on my alt. Main has plenty. Saw a youtube video saying it was tied to turning in To the Azure Span quest so you could even get the profession quests in Ohn’ahran Plains, but yeah, definitely might be tied to campaign progress because I already did those quests without turning in To the Azure Span, I did those already somehow, but have not looted a single Dragon Shard of Knowledge in open world content, I’ve only gotten them as quest rewards, possibly one or two from a dungeon, not super sure.