Dragon Roar VS Bladestorm M+

Should I be taking Dragon Roar, or Bladestorm in PVE content like M+

For Fury, the guides all say that Dragon Roar is better. Bladestorm’s channeled effect doesn’t synergize as well with Fury’s ability rotation as it does with Arms. Dragon Roar, meanwhile, is an instant ability you can throw into the mix easily. It’s even a DPS increase on single target, although not at the top of your priority list.


i would recommend dragon roar for all pve content in most situations

Like Althiala said, DR is the slightly higher dps option and is generally the preferred choice. That said, Bladestorm is perfectly viable and does good dps as well. It can be extremely advantageous in some situations as it let’s you ignore various mechanics.

Bladestorm is basically mandatory for M Wrathion and the beach of Tol Dagor on high keys (you can respec before going into the prison). If you feel like you need the extra fear immunity, its handy for the fear miniboss and Rezan (AD). Couple other instances where its helpful. But DR is the better option in most circumstance.

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Top tier moves when you BS the 2nd boss in TD smoke bomb.

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I’m not a warrior pro by any means, I play fury on mine and right now can only do low mythics and visions due to my latency.

BUT on that note, for visions I prefer Blade storm as i can cheese some effects like stuns and what not.. just my two cents. For M+ I've been having more success with Dragon's Roar as others have said. Our sustained AOE actually seems really good to the point of using Blade storm kind of brought my AOE dps down a bit. Not alot but a little.

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Nothing in even a 5-mask vision really has the health pool to justify any potential dps upgrade DR might be able to do, especially since you spend so much extra time running around letting cooldown timers tick down. BS is generally the correct play for Visions for the reasons Spawn mentions.

Bladestorm isn’t too shabby if you pop it right after Rampage. It generates 25 rage. 50 during Recklessness.

Different builds for Fury in M+.

In my opinion, Bladestorm is kind of overrated, mainly because you lose a lot of uptime on it because it is desynced with your Recklessness and your Blood of the Enemy. Meaning that even though Bladestorm comes off cooldown, you will pretty much always have to wait another 30 seconds before you can use it.

You can certainly cheese mechanics with Bladestorm, but the only fight I find that you can truly milk it is Rezan, where you can have 100% uptime provided you rotate your Berserker Rage and Bladestorm appropriately. A few seconds of lost DPS on the second TD boss is not really consequential.

Dragon Roar, on the other hand, can pretty much be used on cooldown whenever you are cleaving. Of course, you should make sure you’re Enraged when you do so, and maybe save one for your Recklessness/Blood window, but overall, you can milk the damage from Dragon Roar much harder than Bladestorm.