Dragon riding sucks to be honest

If you don’t like dragonriding then you can enjoy your ground mount until 10.1 :slight_smile:


Ion’s so two-faced, he makes Two-Face look good. I would take anything that comes out of his mouth with a grain of salt, and wait and see if it actually comes out.


OP is mad at people who like dragon riding? Why?


Because they belong to the “I hate it, therefore you all have to as well or else you’re corporate shills” crowd. An unfortunate but common self-delusion most of these people have.


For the first few weeks you mean.

That said, all I can do is roll my eyes at people like the OP. Yes, I agree not having traditional flying for a while is going to blow and the “always active” aspect of dragon riding will get tedious and lose its luster quickly, but still, it’s friggen fun and fast to get around once you get the vigor to support it and develop the skills to “master” it (not really hard).

But yes, clearly anyone who doesn’t line up lock and step with the OP is just a corprorate drone incapable of critical thought and coming to their own conclusions. Don’t sip THAT koolaid…sip MINE instead.

half of you sound like you think everyone is gonna like it. and just think its okay to force people instead of giving people a choice to use regular or drangonriding. it’s just a good thing they are coming out with the classics now that have enough changes to make them enjoyable so i can just skip dragonflight. since ion is the way he is i hope so bad dragonflight crashes and burns just like shadowlands did so this flying is gone forever.


Translation: “My opinion is the only right one. Anyone who disagrees doesn’t count.” :roll_eyes:


That’s a pretty pathetic viewpoint, chief, but not that surprising.

Dragonriding is super fun btw. Enjoy your museum.


I suspect, once regular flying is available, I will use Dragon riding if I want to go far and there’s no flight master close to my path since it’s supposed to be really fast, and regular flying for shorter hops.

I think the drakes look big and clunky, and I prefer smaller mounts. I also suspect the luster of actively having to maintain vigor will grow old. Time will tell.


Eh so far it has been great, it get’s you from place to place pretty quick, and even if you need to afk there are plenty of high points to land on and regen Vigor while you are up.

There are a couple of different size ones currently the 4th one I got from the story is more of a smaller lithe quick drake.

As to speed it is faster for short distances you can just burn vigor to hit max speed quick and for longer ones it doesn’t take too much work to get and maintain it.

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I’ve said this since Blizzard first started their crusade on flying.

Flying is not “content”.

All WoW content is on the ground. You have to land sometime to do anything (except herbalism which arguably could/should be nerfed).

Flying is just a means from getting to A to B.

This sounds fun for the first little bit, but frankly, I don’t need/want more friction of just getting from objective A to objective B.

Back when the whole crusade on flying started I probably would’ve been more amenable to it, if they just said “hey we are getting rid of flying, but also the daze+dismount mechanic”.

At this point, just leave well enough alone. How much time was spent on this A to B feature that no one asked for.

What else could they have done? Imagine mount families with different abilities/bonuses in lieu of mount-equipment which people already forgot about.

I really think the time would have been better spent elsewhere.


If that… I give it a month.

Im absolutely loving dragon riding, but I love flight sims, so thats probably why.
A number of us have been saying that dragon riding isnt for everyone and shouldnt be forced on those who might have motor skill issues or who get motion sickness.

They need to enable some kind of limited normal flight for those who cant handle it. Make them choose one or the other if necessary if Ion needs to feel he has to control something.
I’ll take DRing for the duration of the expansion, give up my normal mounts for this one…if he would let those who cant handle dragon riding just have a normal mount.

Flying has existed for over 15 years with the single largest change to it being that a rank was added above 280% that previously only existed for a few rare mounts before that, and then that rank was pruned and 310% was made the default Epic Flying speed.

It has desperately needed something to make it more interesting than just going from A to B in a straight line, avoiding everything below you.

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and you lost me entirely with that one stupid comment guy. NOw I couldnt care less if you get normal flight or not.
Im HARDLY a flippin shill for this garbage company. My posting history over numerous characters and MANY vacations here is proof of that.
Dragon riding is a blast…and the negatives are part of the point.
I can cross the entire map in one trip with dragon riding, so Im not sure what youre doing wrong. The only real ‘negative’ is it makes farming a little more challenging when youre trying to land on a tiny node thats on a slant that cant be climbed…yet Ive managed to do it.

Dragon riding is a LOT of fun and if I had my druthers this would have been flight from the begining of flight in this game. Then those who cant do it wouldnt have bothered playing and this woudnt be so controversial right now.

Yes, it was a STUPID decision on Ion and crews part to screw with flight…and YES…he SHOULD have considered players who cant handle flight sims…but THIS is Ion…its who he is. He cant help himself but screw with flight and we’ve all known this for years now.

If you dont like DRing because of some physical issue…I sympathize.
If its motion sickness problems, again, Sorry about that.
But if youre complaining just to complain and then call me a shill because you dont want to do the DRing thing…I honestly couldnt care less at this point.


I’m not going to “hype it” but I will say that I like it. It requires a little more mental activity than flying does, yes, but that can be part of the enjoyment. Not everyone is going to love it, but even those people might agree that it beats the hell out of 100% ground travel.

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Flying as been a perk of fun, as was finnding treasures (lil’ shinies) - easy, fun, fulfilling, almost child like play, but ‘fun’ was detected. Bye bye to those starting after Mist’s.

It was always the plan - slow indoctrination.

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Is dragon riding optional? Or is there parts of the terrain that are intentionally separated from everything else to make you use it.

That’s all I care to know.

The last one is the one I like the best. Though I did see someone with the big model pimped out. Looked almost cool enough to ignore the size, lol.

yeah, you can easily cross the entire map in one run just by getting the in-air recharges.
Even if you have to stop to recharge on the ground a bit, its still way faster overall than normal flight because youre plugging along so fast most of the flight.

It’d have been cool if this were how flight started in WoW and this is what everyone as used to.

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

I wish everyone liked flight sims and could enjoy it too…personally Im having a blast with dragon riding.

that crap is where I stop sympathizing with the guy.
Im the worst offender in here at bashing this game and this company and Im pretty sure we all know that fact. lol…but Im willing to give credit where its due. Dragon riding is flipping awesome.