Dragon riding or regular mount?

Just curious as to what you guys are using.

I’m mixing it up a bit but I forgot how much I like regular flight when farming herbs or grabbing treasures in mid air with flight form and I miss a lot of my older mounts.



I use my jet pack.


Never using slow flying again


I’ll be using the regular mounts.

One of the perks of being a Druid and that is what I mainly play.


Dragonriding. I can’t wait until they add it to all the old zones.



Jet pack?
Seems a bit slower if you are hauling all that inventory apace

I was going back and forth between the two last night it was pretty cool. :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


Only dragon riding 99% of the time. Perhaps old flying once in a while, if run out of energy going too high.

depends. if I’m going any distance, dragonriding. if I just need to hop from objective to objective, then druid flying.


Popped onto a regular mount when I got the “Explore the Dream” achiev. It felt like what I imagine swimming in quicksand would feel. (from what I remember seeing on Gilligan’s Island)

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I will use both. When I want to travel far, zoomies riding. When I want to investigate nooks and crannies, or look away from the screen, hovermode/slow flight.

Choices are a beautiful thing.


I mix it up. If I only need to go short distances I usually hop on a regular flying mount. If I have to go a long way I usually use a dynamic flying mount.

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Mostly dragon riding. Static flying when I AFK or am farming herbs. Or if I see a treasure chest and my dumb dragon riding mount cant land properly on the 2 inch wide tree branch.

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This is so annoying, I also noticed it when I was gathering the new dragonriding glyphs and I was literally like damn it. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Why would I want to old world fly when I can dragonride?

Especially in druid form (eventually).

I’m going to use TBC flying on one of the next alts I level through DF just to see how the experience differs. But otherwise, I’m probably never going to give up dynamic flying unless I want to use a mount they just can’t make it work. I can’t wait for Druid and Dracthyr to get them.

I love both, so I’ll likely use both here and there.


Regular mounts of course, waited years for a permanent broom and I’m gonna use it

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Large distances i use DR, anything short i have gone back to my regular flying mounts.


Regular flight for when I am farming mats, dragonriding for the rest, unless I run out of vigor or want to AFK fly somewhere.

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