Dragon Races?

Can someone explain the different dragon races around Valdrakken?

Some have 4 legs like a centaur, while others are 2 legged and walk upright. Anyone know the history or explanation of the differences?

Not much info, I’m afraid. Some old bits of lore say it’s something that happens to mortals that hang with dragons a lot due to magic. Blizzard’s most recent writing direction would probably have them be titanforged created to serve the Aspects and their Flights.

Those are called Dragonspawn.

Those are called Drakonid.

Then of course you have the dracthyr, whelplings and wyrms (senior dragons)

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From my understanding, the lore is a little spotty, but the basics are:

The 2 legged guys are Drakonids.
The 4 legged are Dragonspawn.

Both races originate from mortal servants imbued with dragon stuff. Basically mortal soldiers/attendants that have “ascended” in their service to their respective dragonflight.

There is confirmation that at least the dragonspawn can be born. Not sure if it’s ever been 100% confirmed if Drakonids can be born, or if they are just created.

We know Neltharion and Nefarion did a lot of forceful creation of both. The exact nature of the process, and whether creation is an ongoing process, or just something that happened a long time ago to create a population that now reproduces on its own, is unclear.

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Drakonids do have whelps too.

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Those are adorable!


I stand corrected, that is absolutely precious.

Also maybe hanging out in their taverns and seeing all the babies is the canon reason why we can’t skin them for scales anymore…it’s not so much “can’t” as “really don’t want to”

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Worth a visit to Gryrmpech’s questline as it involves the Drakonid whelps. :dracthyr_nod:

edit: At least I think so. We don’t encounter the Drakonid children much. :thinking:

edit 2: There is another questline involving a Drakonid child.

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The best in game explanation are the Wyrmcult seen in Outlands, specifically Blades Edge Mountain.

They are a group of Black Dragon Cultists that serve a Drakonid named Maxnar.

The Cultists are all varying races, specifically Human, Orc, Draenei and the Broken, that serve Blackscale, a Black dragon that flies around the area. They also breed their own black dragonlings. Not much known about their ends.

The point is that some of these Cultists use a spell/ability called Blessing of the Black that transform them into the four legged dragonkin known as Dragonspawn.

I would wager that Drakonid are of similar origins as they are also considered a ‘humanoid-dragonlike race’.

Between the Drakonid, Dragonspawn, and Dracthyr, I feel like there might be some sort of hand in there by Neltharion who, like many of his children, (Sabellian and Nefarian) experiment in a wide variety of ways.

I feel like Neltharion might be the best explanation to their true origins since he experimented all the time.

Wouldn’t be surprised. One of the main reasons I can accept dracthyr is due to Neltharion’s endless meddling with draconic races. It especially makes sense if he’d succeeded before and was trying to recreate the dracthyr’s success. Which explains the twisted dragonmen mobs and whatever the hell Maloriak is. And we know Maloriak was previously a brilliant human alchemist.

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Dragonspawn tend to be spellcasters and Drakonids tend to be fighters.