Dragon race causing Disconnect

The Dragon Race at the “Emerald Gardens Ascent Course” is causing me to disconnect very quickly after starting the race, the timer counts down and I run along the ground a few feet to the first “vortex” on/in the ground , and it disconnects me.


I am having the same issue. Started last night for me as soon as I switched to my emerald dragon.

Having this issue too but it’s been with multiple races.

I am also experiencing that same disconnect since last night. I’m also disconnecting at the Tyrhold race, which sucks cause it’s a WQ right now and I literally disconnect halfway through and can’t complete it.

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Having this issue with any race that has a vertical wind gust.


They still haven’t fixed this. Still disconnecting, the Winds of the Isle also cause my drake to “stop flying”


i’ve been disconnecting in the middle of the Tyrhold Trial for the past week …

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I am getting disconnected everytime i bomb downward from a hillside to a lower area while farming for ore or herbs, as soon as i slow to a stop and turn to the item I get D/C’d. This has been going on non-stop since the start of dragonflight. Daily!

I am also getting disconnected consistently, most often when I use the stopwatch to return back to the starting point after I inevitably get stuck in a tree or something. When it returns me to the start point, I get disconnected. Sometimes I have to wait 15 minutes to log back in.

Yea Tyrhold race is still disconnecting me halfway through the race everytime i attempt it

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This isn’t just related to racing. My game server crashes a LOT whenever I am flying, usually when i am close to the ground and am trying to maneuver. My screen will freeze up and then I will lose my connection. Sometimes I have to reboot the entire game to be able to come back. Lets see a blue screen response guys - surely you still have enough devs employed that you can address this bug.

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