Dragon flying - Uncontrolled crash landings

Did we have to make all flying mounts be Dragonflying? If I wanted to land on a tree limb to loot a treasure I wouldn’t even consider using a Dragon flying mount. Especially on my Druid. I’d flight form or use a non-dragon flying mount so I could hover and maneuver. I can’t believe even Druid Flight form is Dragon flying. Please dump this idea. Dragon flying for Dragon mounts great stuff, quick travel. Try and control for a specific difficult landing spot almost impossible and basically down to luck. Blizz this is another reason for people to dislike the game.


I like using the aerial halt ability on “short final” as I approach my point of intended landing. It dissipates a bunch of energy, and allows for more precise touchdowns with a slower ground speed - like flaps/slats. For me, I really like this more engaging method of transportation. Though I can appreciate it adds an extra layer when the goal for some is simply to use a vehicle for conveyance from point A to B.


Cheaters cheaters pumpkin eaters.

Don’t even wanna play the game. Just want to afk from herb to herb with 0 chance of a failed game state.

People like you are why blizzard hates static flying. Because with it people will play this game in braindead ways.

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You can have your Maserati. I’ll stick to my trusty, rusty Yugo.

Druid? Funny how it’s always the druids. What they really want is the control of steady and the speed of dynamic so they can gather in shape shift form without the downsides.

You know you can switch between flight modes, right?

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:



Life’s been good to me so far…

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I had no idea. Thank you so much for your very helpful answer.

No problem, hoss. I had to be told too, so don’t feel bad about it.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Skyriding = fly fast no control, headche, nausea, crash into mountain or whatever is there, slide down into a mob. Die. Can’t res there, too many mobs, so res sickness. Go to a different alt for a while.

Such is life. lol

Though as Zeerionjax stated, we can switch flying styles, which is a total life saver! XD

Edited for typo