Dragon flight the death of marksmanship hunters

So you would think after 18 years, the dev team failing hunters would be normal. Sure at points we get buffed for decent damage, but the mechanics get worse every expansion. For me personally MoP was my favorite marksman build, even WoD was ok, then it’s been a dumpster fire since.

Now going into this expansion I know I’m going to be forced to play one of my alts because marksman is an absolute trash spec in all content right now. It’s very disheartening to know it will be half the expansion before blizzard wakes up and sees what players always point out early and they never listen. Hunters are in terrible shape and unplayable.

Our damage is low, we have no defense/survivability, we bring nothing to a raid, worse of all hunters are not fun to play at all. I tried dozens of builds and talent changes and the best I could find, was a set up just barely playable. Yes I know we’re not 70, but those couple points will not fix anything either.


I have no idea why they nerfed aimed shot again in pvp.

BM got a buff. Do they just want every MM hunter to go BM?

Because all MM brings to the table is its great burst damage. Now BM does that better now.


just play survival


At this point I’ll probably just play evoker until my sub runs out and quit until I see huge improvements. I have a huge catalog of games built up anyways, might as well play those.

I’ve always loved marksman because it’s the ranger/ archer spec. There is zero reason they can’t fix this, it would take a day to adjust talents and at least make it playable. The nerfs are uncalled for, marksman even with the burst did not need nerfed.


TBH I suspect they are “balancing” around a single dev’s experience in low level PvP.


Kinda, but… then wouldn’t the issue be isolated to PvP?

It’s not like the lack a discrete turning knob for PvP – or even on specific nub-nukers, should they exist.

Ah well, just wont be buying dragonflight til they make hunters better.


Here’s the thing:

I thought to myself: I love my hunter. I’ll just switch specs.

The issue is I just don’t like the BM rotation. I also don’t like how SV plays, I prefer full ranged.


Why should we be forced to play a spec we don’t like. I unsubbed and will finish out the time I have trying the new race. That’s a couple months,
If blizzard gets their crap together, I might come back some day. Until they start losing money, they aren’t going to fix it. It’s the same every expansion, specially the last couple.

Poor design, poor leadership and it’s only getting worse. Redoing the UI and talent trees all at once was obviously to much for this current team. They should of did talents first, then broke the UI in a patch down the road. They would of then had the time to make sure it wasn’t the mess they have given us.


It’s most likely different developers working on UI and class design.

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Yeah but they created an extra layer of frustration for testing, because now you’re working with dealing with a glitched UI, while figuring out the classes being flipped upside down. Now look what we have, broken classes and a half done UI.

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They removed the PvP buff and gave AS baseline a buff along with a few other MM spells.

Aimed Shot A powerful aimed shot that deals (232.05%255% of Attack power) Physical damage
Precise Shots

Kill shot You attempt to finish off a wounded target, dealing (230%253% of Attack power) Physical damage. Only usable on enemies with less than 20% health.

Rapid Fire Shoot a stream of 7 shots at your target over 2 sec, dealing a total of [7 * (38%45.6% of Attack power)%] Physical damage. Usable while moving.


Just pondering a couple years ago, leading up to Shadowlands, when BM was uber strong on Beta and MM was getting the shaft. Then SL launched and BM was dead last by a large margin and MM was meta.

Not saying that is going to happen this time. Just pointing out they have a long history of doing some whackadoo stuff coming into an expansion. What is the point of getting feedback from the people that actually play the game if it’s going to be a crap show anyway?

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People are still going to play it, its just not going to be popular with people that have a need to play the best specs when the can’t perform because they’re switching all the time.

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They will see a lot of hunters shelved, until changes are made, or like I did, canceling their subscription. The damage is horrible right now, survivability is in the toilet. Skills are mandatory in the trees, or you can’t even play, so there is no real choice.

Blizzard literally chose trash to make the baseline skills, then everything else was dumped into the tree as a talent. It was beyond lazy and clearly hunters were a last minute design. With impulse nerfs that make zero sense, we weren’t even leading the charts in damage, now even garbage like torgast is a challenge.

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I don’t think they influence each other.

I logged on 10.0 briefly to try the new UI. It seemed mostly complete to me; the only issues were some elements can’t me moved or resized. I also read some people had issues with their profile not saving.

Granted I didn’t play much with it and should I play Dragonflight to any capacity I would still use an ElvUI setup because the default UI is not as customisable and it’s still missing some basic things like the ability to anchor the tooltip to the mouse cursor. But it seemed to be the new UI is in a very good spot and is better in every way to the old one.

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The death of mm hunter started in bfa not df.


There is issues with sizing, the graphics on the side cover stuff like the chat window. Several things by default are covered by the primary action bars. So you have to spend 30 minutes moving stuff around.

I actually liked the old UI and believe they should of kept a classic mode. I’m glad they made something new for people unhappy with it, but it is clunky at best. There are a lot of people who prefer the old UI, but like class changes were told tough s%@&.

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Sounds like the scaling was too high and it does not take 30 mins to fix that or move bars.

It is not “clunky at best” it’s a clear improvement over the old UI so they should not keep the old UI for any reason especially since you can quickly set up the bars to look like the old UI. Just stack 2x 12-button bars and then next to those 2x 6-button bars and it’s mostly the same as the old UI at that point.


When it released it was all kinds of broken, snap wasn’t working right, playing at higher resolutions caused issues with placement and layout. I found on my wife’s pc at 1080p it lined up better, but had problems saving the layout, until they hot fixed it. You can’t just drop the bars like you said, otherwise multiple UI elements are hidden and each has to be manually moved. Try to create the classic look and go play any shadowlands world quest, anything with a special extra skill is hidden and unclickable. Many other buggy issues even today as well.