Dragon Flight and new Spirit Beasts/draconic pets

So… where’s the new spirit beast and or draconic pets? Blizz, buddy, pal, please tell us.

It’s alpha lol, we’ve seen like 20% of the game so far, and they intentionally have limited what’s testable.

There will be many, many new tameable boiz for us.

I’d sad they didn’t add any in shadowlands, they missed the opportunity for these with the undead tome:
https://www.wowhead.com/npc=154863/phantom-hippogryph - beast lore says is a cat
https://www.wowhead.com/npc=91839/kaldorei-windgryph - can’t be beast lore’d at all
https://www.wowhead.com/npc=46645/cursed-stallion - there’s an orc riding the worg equivalent in the same zone, but it’s not its own entity

*I’'d just assume these would be spirit beasts and not in their own families because they’re intentionally glowy ghostly fx rather than being the same animal but slightly transparent like

and that spirit beasts aren’t restricted to exclusively rare/challenge spawns since they added mana sabers in Legion

New cat and wolf models while the families that have been using the ones since Classic or TBC get ignored, again. Business as usual!

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