Dragon expansion and what to see

Hello all, yes, it’s me again seen a lot of rumors going on about dragon expansion. If we do this, I, for one, would like to see something new. Maybe a new Cata, but the world of Azeroth is enslaved by the old gods, as I saw rumors about how we lost.

Wrathion got us back to Azeroth, and his kin new ones helped us. By teaching us new stuff. By new things, I would like professions to make raiding gear.

Blacksmiths would get back their specific crafting by making raid weapons or raid armor.

Tailoring would get back specific clothing for healing and DPS.

Learnerworking would get their specific crafting for tanks, DPS, and heals.

Jewelcrafting would have specific crafting for rings or necklaces.

Engineering will get gnomish or goblin engineering back—making trinkets for players or rifles and bows for hunters.

Alchemy would get back the specific support potions or elixirs to buff the players.

Enchanting would have specific crafting to make wands and staffs for healers or DPS players.

The inscription would be the same as enchanting but with off-hand weapons for healers or DPS.

These items would get players started for raids. I also like to see enemies or leveling be a little more of a challenge to me; it is far too easy to get to level 60.

I also heard dragon in would be a playable race, as I am not a fan of this, but I work to like different races and classes. As I am not a fan of tauren or dreanai, but only males for the dreanai.

But if we do get this new azeroth, I want to see cities, towns, farms, camps, and even villages destroyed or taken over by enslaved people—some areas infected by darkness also.

Anyone wants to feedback on this; please do.

Hope we’re dealing with infinite dragon flight if so.

Aspect of time dude is supposed to get corrupted eventually- he says this in the end time dungeon.

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I want to see a Dragon crossed with an old god called ‘Dragon Saron’.

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Huh? I’m here nearly every day and I read a lot of news articles. Haven’t seen a single thing about what you’re speaking of.

Got a source or are you projecting your hope for next expansion?


Keep in mind rumors are all only just speculation. The Dragon Isles gets brought up a lot solely because BfA confirmed they are real, so it stands to reason we will go there eventually, and we currently have no other ideas about what we could do. And dragons are cool. But it’s going to be a lot of brand new unheard of stuff in our future. Who knows what’ll happen.

Personally I think it’s very possible too, but that’s still not evidence we’ll be going there in 10.0 yet.

And any rumors specifying a world revamp or a draconic playable race are absolutely making it up from their own wishes. There’s nothing remotely suggesting that’ll happen. Speculation is fun, but try not to bank on things too hard. :slight_smile:

Also N’Zoth is dead. Confirmed by Blizz too, and obvious anyways. We didn’t lose in Ny’alotha and SL is not a dream. Azeroth is also fine. We’ve been back here already, a couple questlines in SL sent us back to Azeroth. Aside from the Scourge they’re about the same as always. Tentacle-free

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Dragon Isles has been one of the more popular “leaks” and theories for the past few years.

I want to see more of the Dragons. I almost love the idea of going back to Dungeons & Dragons in a literal manner.
But it does not make sense.

We’re climbing the ranks every expansion on a entity level

MoP teased old Gods
WoD had the Legion
Legion was full blown Legion + the Pantheon
BFA was full blown Old God
SL is literal afterlife with a Pantheon of Death

We do not then go to Dragons. Not unless something big happens and Azeroth enters a lull, and it’s specifically designed as sort of a gap period in the core story until the First Ones or the Void Lords make their appearance.

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You have 1 post.


The Pantheon of Death wasn’t created by the First Ones but summoned into Robot Host Bodies programmed to follow the First Ones’ Purpose!

Furthermore Il’gynoth states that the Father of Sleep(Mueh’zala) will have his Feast…

Yogg-Saron’s Magic looks suspiciously similar to one of the Magics used by Mueh’zala: his Necromantic Magics.

G’huun’s Blood Magic also resembles Mueh’zala’s Blood Magic.

The Void Lords didn’t simply send mere Servants but summoned the Gods of Chaos, Madness and Death themselves into their agents simply to increase their corruptive power!

Zovaal also mentions Death coming for the Soul of our World and was about to preform a ritual on Azeroth…

He was about to summon Mueh’zala/Yogg-Saron/G’huun into the World Soul!

The next plan for the Old God of Death(as opposed to that upstart the Primus) is to use Vol’jin to access Azeroth through the Emerald Dream upon his resurrection then enter Dragon Isles and through the Bronze Dragonflight’s territory gain entry to AU Draenor and obtain the World Soul.

“The Light has struck a bargain with the enemy of all.” - N’Zoth

The God of Death, Shadow and Blood is returning in a Planet Sized form(probably summoning his Son the God of Sleep too) and the God of the Deep is terrified even as we purge his Voidspawned Avatar in Ny’alotha!

A mini pet calling themselves "I am Dwagon. fear me :angry: "

Oh I could get behind that idea.

Or, Galakrond is somehow reborn and is this world’s Ancalagon.

Still want to see a fully realised black empire with old god cities (done right & done justice) and whatnot though

Don’t kid yourself.

Any profession crafted gear will be useless by the first raid.

This. Plus, with all that’s been happening with ActiBlizzard, the teams are less than half of what they were so let’s cross everything that we can that we get anything as ambitious as anything that’s been speculated thus far!

i can gamble 500 000 golds , the next expansion is about dragons

On the dragon isles we will need to find four extremely powerful things never mentioned in WoW lore. These 4 things will be conveniently located in each of the 4 new zones. Once we’ve collected these four things, they will be used to do another thing and then completely forgotten about for the rest of WoW history.