Dragon Aspects Humanoid Forms

Bit of a nit pick on language in game, Quel’dorei is the name for Highborn and High Elves, ie they called themselves Quel’dorei before the Sundering.

dorei = children
Quel = Nobel Born
Kal = of the Stars
Ren = of the Void
Shal= of the Night
Fal = ???

Never actually stated, there are clues but nothing solid, most assume Trolls evolved naturally, but they forget the World was Re-originated when the Titans imprisoned the Old Gods.

Plus the races before that were mostly bugs, and spider-things. The Trolls came after the Old Gods were imprisoned, and were the first sentient race to fully stand on two legs, but we do not know what became trolls, however clues suggest the how, The Well of Eternity uplifted something from basic animal to Troll. My guess it was Reptilian possibly Raptors.

Yeah, I forgot about that. That whole Quel’dorei -> Quel’dorei thing is messy.

They can alter their physical appearance to whatever they desire. Mere child’s play for those who have a full understanding of sorcery, Humanoid, Demon’s, Old God Servants, and some Undead could utilize the same ability for the purpose of infiltrating enemy factions to either spy or cause deception and mistrust.

Some would even abuse the masking ability for their own selfish terms, such as getting in bed with someone else’s spouse which they happen to have an Obsession for.

The point isn’t they can. The question is why do you think they chose the forms they did, when some of those races don’t exist yet, or at least not in the form the Aspect has chosen. Like Alextraza went High Elf, but High Elves aren’t around yet. Neltharion went Human, but Humans were likely to be very few and very primitive and inconsequential.

Humans are descended from Titan contructs that became flesh.

Elves were changed by Titan essence, preserved in a Titan artifact.

The Dragon Aspects were empowered by the Titans, thus their humanoid forms approximate the Titan template that would be followed by Humans, Elves, etc. None of them look like Moonkin, or Nerubians, or anything of the sort.

The Titans are the common progenitors of the humanoid forms.

well, this kinda explain their “reptilian” regeneration

Helves don’t really look THAT different from nelves when you get down to it. The Dragon Aspects just decided to look a bit more unique from your generic nelf. As for Neltharion, keep in mind that during this time the Vykrul existed, and it’s entirely possible he could’ve chosen his form in the same manner; basing it off of an existing race and modifying it as he liked.

it would be weird if the meaning was more complex than for ease of movement or diplomacy.

my favorite wtfreak aspect form is kalecgos. only 1 visible half elf in the game is arator and he looks like a high elf, whereas kalecgos is supposed to be in the form of a half elf but looks like a human. he’s supposedly had that same form for a long time. what half elves? nobody knows.

apparently, wrathion has jumped on the bandwagon and in his adult form, is a high elf with no visible elf ears and rather normal eyebrows. seems his elf ears are hidden under his mass of curly hair, which means he’s in half elf form. what half elves? nooobody knows.