Dragon aspect-themed glows - appearance customization for Dracthyr

This is something different. Something I think would be EPIC!

My idea: creating some dracthyr glow effects on eyes, wings and horns, similar to the styles visible on the dragon aspects.

This would not be disimilar to the glow effects that druids now have in moonkin form, which are AMAZING. So, Bliz may actually be willing to work on something like this. It would also potentially make a lot of sense with the addition of hero talents.

This would go so hard.

Please show your support if you would like to see this.


Would be cool. I think mages are getting glowing hands based on their main element if the warband screenshot at Blizzcon is anything to go by, so we could get something similar.

Ooooo I LOVE this idea I want emerald hlows on my Evoker now >.>

Well, I’m glad some people like this idea! I love the sheen on the wings of the dragon aspects and think that would be super cool to be able to customize too.

I’m all for Nozdormu’s sand animation on wings and all, I approve this suggestion :+1:t4:

While we at it let us change our visuals similarly as the aspects when changing visage forms too then the standard red flame.

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I’m all for this but I really just want proto visage customizations.

I sort of assume the hero talents will give those cosmetics (hoping that this eventually extends to blue, green and primal too for who wants those - although obviously it’s easier to start with flights that have a hots hero)

They haven’t mentioned that the hero talents will grant the cosmetics anywhere, as far as I have seen. So that’s why I’m really hoping that they see this, and someone brilliant in the dev team works their magic.

I love this concept! Not too dissimilar to the new Druid Boomkin form update, so it’s feasible and would look epic! You’ve got my vote.

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Void touched effects lile Sarkareth would look so cool.

Same for aspectral ibfluence. I want a blue glow for my blue dragonflight themed dracthyr.


Yeah, I was wondeirng how difficult it would be to give Dracthyr modified custom skins of Void sarc or Rionthus, kind of like the way that we can get special dragonriding mount skins.

Edit: In fact, imagine how absolutely sick it would be to have a Neldris style skin!