Just wondering if anyone liked this game? I know it was out a long time ago; but I feel like I am the only person in the world that actually liked it.
It was just an uncomplicated fun little romp through small sections of a world.
Was it as good as DA1; no not at all, but I just found it fun for it what it was, a simple game that I didn’t have to go to the internet to research what to do.
DA2 is a very good game, in fact it has the best protagonist in the series, the best story, and the best writing for Varric (compared to DA3). Obviously it had some flaws with repetitive caves/buildings, enemies constantly dropping from the ceiling, some boring companions (true in all four games if you include the expansion) and a simplified combat system but at least the entire main story wasn’t plagiarized from lord of the rings and your party didn’t run around combat looking like they all took a dump in their pants.
it may have been the first game (or one of the first games) Bioware made under EA and employees stated the game was rushed in order to hit EA timelines. A lot of things were left on the drawing board (as in most games) but they were clearly obvious in DA2. The DLC campaigns showed some of its potential if given more time (similar to DA3).
Dragon Age 2 has a lot of the Bioware good points - fun characters, strong plot, complex lore - melded ham-fistedly with a rushed build.
The two primary complaints about the game are the environments and the combat.
For the environments, the problem is … well … copy and paste. The same caves, dungeons, and cityscapes are repeatedly used over and over, with minor variations. The creatures and loot might change each time, but by act 2 you’ll have most of the layouts memorized (you also frequently revisit the exact same dungeons in new acts, but at least here they have the justification of ‘time passing, new occupants’).
Combat doesn’t both me as much, but it was very unpopular with the ‘tactical Dragon Age’ crowd. The first game placed a strong emphasis on party positioning, chokepoints, and careful evaluation of which ability to use to counter specific enemies. DA2 decided for a more action RPG approach - generally the best strategy is to spam your abilities to take down enemies as quickly as possible while they respawn in multiple new locations all around the party. There are still some tactical elements (knowing which enemies to focus first mainly), but it’s a very different style to DA:O.
With that noted - I’ve still played through the game 3-4 times, and enjoyed it every time (I’m a sucker for a good story). Also, neither of the above problems apply to the DA2 DLC, which specifically avoided these complaints with new maps/environments and combat with a greater emphasis on planning.
On its own DA:2 was not all that bad, but as the sequel to one of the best CRPG of the last 15 years it was a huge disappointment. It’s the exact same issue that plagued Chrono Cross’ existence during the 5th gen.
Oh, I agree that it really didn’t stand up to DA:O. But I think this is what is causing people to not realize that the game is actually good.
They basically ditched what made DA:O great and made more of an action title. However, if you can get passed them doing that, and just take DA:2 as an action title it is a really good game.
They did reuse maps and the like, but the story was excellent and the game was quick and quite frankly very fun to play.
Although, I will never disagree that the game does not match up to DA:O.
I thought it was an okay game. Thought Origins was better, but it wasn’t terrible. The repeating of maps got boring after while. Combat was okay, I did like the more action-y approach to Mages and being able to shoot things with my staff instead of standing back and doing nothing while waiting for cooldowns or mana.
I’m overall somewhat disappointed with the series. Probably because I played Mass Effect before Dragon Age and I liked that my Commander Shepard is the same person across that trilogy. Where as in the Dragon Age trilogy - the Hero of Fereldan, the Champion of Kirkwall, and the Inquisitor are all different people and I didn’t really get as attached to my party members like I did in Mass Effect.