Draenor not classified as "flyable" on backend

Since flying was provided for everyone in Draenor with Shadowlands, the zone is still not classified as “flyable.” This means none of the mount macros work, and will not summon a flying mount, only a “noflyable” one. This occurs both prior to and after obtaining the Draenor Pathfinder achievement on every character with flying trained. I received the Pathfinder after Shadowlands launch if this makes a difference.

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From what I’m personally seeing, and hearing back from friends.
If Pathfinder was unlocked before Shadowlands [flyable] works on existing characters, but new characters are stuck with it non-functioning.

Seems like the flag is no longer getting set in Shadowlands.

-Another Related Bug Report-

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Thanks for sharing that! That’s too bad, and I hope they take a look at it. It’s the only place it doesn’t work for me, so I’ve ended up taking the macro off of my bars for the most part if it’s a character that goes to the garrison frequently.

As an addition, one thing I just noticed is that my druid’s flight form DOES activate with travel form in Draenor.