Draenor Horde Reconnections

I will maining the same UD Priest like in Vanilla on Skeram pvp Tried to stay away from the full servers. Also any big name streamers…Hope everyone the best of luck on release in 19 hours 40 minutes! Add me if your on Skeram Horde and want to group up! Reptar#12486

I remember Trexie. The Troll Priest, are you referring to MjolnerXV? I think XV was his priest.

It’s been to long, I believe I was in Convergence and a few others. I recognize a some names here. Hope to see some of you in classic.

oops i wrong toon.

Hey Tetron, I remember you from CV. I dont know if you remember me, I played a Orc Hunter named Spenzor, i joined CV after Nefarian broke OoE.

Trexie was an Undead Warrior who would lead Raids for a guild I was in for a while. We were doing ZG I at the time. Don’t remember any alts she had. And it was Definitely a “she”.

Awesome! Killex knew how to tank thats for sure. i got a hold of him. i don’t know if he will be back or not. i definately gave him a dose of nostalgae lol. and told him bout everyone on here asking bout the old guild. he was quite honored by it for sure.

Anyone from Friends Inc or OMFG HUGE BELT, which blizzard made us change to OMG?

I remember a few of the above. I remember Taurach and getting you confused with Tourach a lot.

What server

Atiesh! Same name xD

Mankirk, PvE

same here mankrik if I ever get in LOL

How about someone from both of those guilds? this whole thing is such a trip

I’ve been in Queue for 3 hours now…down to 243…so close. Hit me up when you get in, I will be on Mdk

Wait a minute. this character makes more sense to you lol.

Yo! what was your name in game then? What server are you going to be rolling on?

MM is still around also, I jumped on my priest a while ago who was still in MM and I saw Wevu online and a couple people who were recently active. I think it was MM…might have been EA, cant remember 100%
EDIT: Definitely MM, just remembered I never moved my priest to EA

I was Tyresias in Mushroom Marauders, Easily Amused (I came up with that name lol), and then Spacebar Hacks. Often would lead EA raids in TBC. I absolutely remember you guys, totally unsure where I’m going to play for this thing now.

Yah I still get on my MM toons once in a while