Tunak, I think I was in Union of Shadow(s?) with you. I recall the name Kiljeaden and Paingiver. Does Cowhide ring a bell for you? I went by Minninips and Reactive.
Khanh/Sysus here, was a kiddo in vanilla but remember a lot of names here from BC and on. Used to raid in My Gear is Red and Eye of the Tiger. Not to mention the Magicevan pvp defense raids. I miss the Draenor community, hmu.
junae troll rogue was in in midnight eclypse late night night/oceanic guild
Yes, Cowhide was tauren warrior if i recall and Reactive undead priest but i am not sure if i am confusing Reactive with Onorine, both im pretty sure both were undead priests. However Kiljeaden was the 60 troll hunter (my same age at the time around 10-12) son of Herculees 60 Tauren Druid which was also in UoS.
YES! Reactive was an undead priest and Cowhide was a tauren warrior. I remember Herculees too! I think I was in Of Deaths Throne, and we merged with UoS.
Statik, tauren druid healer and owner of the first set of antlers on the Horde side. I’m looking for anyone I used to play with. I’d love to find Tuna, troll shaman and wsg expert. Anyone from Horde’s Finest: Denagtorii, Xyllus… I know there were more but those are the only 2 names I still remember. I used to talk to the Alliance guys after wsg once in a while after games under my Sneakyelf night elf rogue character before the friend’s list was a thing too if any Alliance spies are lurking on the horde side of our board here.
Hey Tunak,
I was also part of House of Harkonnen on my character Edgarr Troll shaman also was a part of shadow horde
I played in a guild called Mushroom Marauders back in Vanilla as a shaman named Kerinos. Anyone from MM coming back?
Limpshot, Tauren Shamen. Had a good bit of tier 2 and a Finkles Lava Dredger/can opener. I think my guild was Shadow Horde? I made a website and forum for it if i remember correctly
I was in Mushroom marauders i was hezzdi a troll warrior i was also in for teh horde and hellraisers
Lot, Orc Shaman from Seventh Winter, which eventually merged to make Triumvirate.
I was in Mushroom Marauders i was a troll warrior named Hezzdi
Hah. Like I’d ever quit.
I do like how everyone’s drifted to different characters over the years and here I am, still on Zarrek, still on Draenor. Year after year.
DootDaDoo Orc Warrior, former leader of Minions of Darkness (became RuinatioN) then was a part of Midnight Eclipse and then Spirits of Power for a while until I called it quits in Wrath. Grouped with the shaman Chorizo for a bit but having a hard time remembering names. Just came back to the game after a 10 year break and looking forward to experiencing Vanilla again!
Bibari. Troll Rogue. Shadows and Dust, Infliction, was part of the large migration to Rexxar when they opened it up. Joined Is a Fel Monkey ( Rathen’s guild) which turned into Death Group 8 on Rexxar.
Used to PvP a lot, still have my full Tier 2 sitting on my rogue! Never got a corehound tooth or perdition’s blade though
Taurach, troll shaman, was in Convergence mostly. Did a lot of wsg with Tuna and co, Statik too, 3 flag carriers just doin work all day!
I remember you Taurach! I miss those wsg days. It was just game after game of complete domination. Best memories I have of all my wow time, and I only stopped playing (most recently) like 6 months ago.
dootdadoo and barbamullo those are 2 names I haven’t seen in years.
Poomansteve - House Harkonnen /wave