Draenor Alliance Reconnections

Spartacuss- Sexy Gnome Rogue -
Guilds: Evolve, Darkfire

Alexanderr- Stunning NightElf Shadow Priest Guilds: Darkfire

Been playing since beta and Oh how I miss the days of college that allowed me to play 8-16 hours a day… Now, who can relate; married, kids, own a business and barely find 10 minutes for myself most days. BUT, I’m going to give this classic a go! The nostalgia is real!! For the Alliance!
I’m on Kurinaxx PvP server.

Check out. Www. warcraftrealms. com as a place to search old guilds and guild mates! Pretty neat site.

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Brooks dwarf paladin. I raided in Hoss and Inner Circle. Brooks#1250

If you know, you know.

Ethereal Knights. Inner Circle. Paradox.

Here is some nostalgia for you EK people,


I remember the Templars. My first Guild.

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Retibution Paladin

< Holy Templars >
<Halfbaked / Dark Family>

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Hail Templars!

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Trying to get my friend back into playing, If I can tell him who’s still around that knows him, might make him more interested…lol

He was Egoro, NE Rogue, was in <Knights of Revolution> and I believe <Destruction>

Finally someone mentioned Reign :wink:

Hi, i’m Deezy from Hoss. I see a lot of names I recognize and think that’s great. Cheers!

Yeah that would be awesome i logged into draenor about 5 years ago did a /who relentless and johndog was on would love to see more people from our glory days

Word it would be great to see JD again

NElf Rogue
<Mythos> <Blood of Eden> <Paradox> <Click>

Goblin Troll

This thread is awesome, so many familiar names.

I almost exclusively play Classic at the moment, over on Whitemane Alliance, if anyone wants to come suffer through the worst H:A imbalance on a PvP server with me. :sweat_smile:


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Night Elf Warrior
< Knights of Revolution >

Put a \ just before your < to make the guild names show up :slight_smile:

Looking for me Marvie? I’m looking for you. I remember the good times but my favorite was how mad you would get at me especially in front of your friends because you were afraid they would think I was your girlfriend lol. Come into the van and meet the real candyman.

Yup Mirayla is back and guess what I will find you. Come check out Azuresong. You know I love dragons and why. Kill 'em and eat 'em. So do you! See you know where to find me in time Feralas nope not there but maybe. You know what yea good place too. Be awhile tho not racing thru.

Whitemane huh Pvp huh good luck we are going to need it. Flawed Hero. Finally you speak a truth!

I know you were jealous of Sickpunk. Darkmoon Faire. Yup. I shared cloth not pelts that was for Sickpunk he got really really good at tanking didn’t he. But you still had a hang up for bandaging. Refused pots ok but not at 1 per.

All you males young and old are nothing but great big babies.

And all you did was get better.

Looking for Darkfire peeps. That’s what I am up to.

You ran off left me at the alter so to speak. When you transferred off Draenor to keep up with well you would know with who better than I do. But I know the truth to get away from me I scared you.

What did you do? Change letters to make another Marvie so I could continue to harass you on the forums. Right on Draenor too.

I’m back. Lookout.

Christmas in Org is fun! Isn’t it esp when there’s a druid cat on top of a roof with YOU in my sights. I never had to wait long then all hell would break loose thanks to you. Too much fun.

Ah the good old days.

Ready or not here I come

PvP for sure this time not raiding. I’m going to do it right no longer on dial up. Internet not much faster. I don’t care. And that’s the best part. Lookout my little Marvie. Girlie. Now dem’s fighting word “girlie Marvie” bring it!

Nothing beats Holytempler in PvP the night he wore that stupid helm OMFG he was over the top! I see above your post somebody is looking for him too. I hope he comes back. He was an awesome over the top player we made a very good team me on my priest Laurinna. Made you look sick and weakly.

The only saving grace you ever had was the fact you chose well, a damn rogue and man you were tops but you loved my heals didn’t you druid too if I chose. How else do I keep you on your toes and mad at me. Now that list is even longer all the missed and all the non heals Marvie would get or not just because you would always shoot off your damn mouth.

Oh man these forums lol lets charge them up again. That’s something you really enjoyed. Especially my response to that guy who dared to email me before my first cup off coffee. See, F U C K Y O U gets thru somehow doesn’t it loud and clear.

Love hate. Hand in hand. We both grew up, a little. Grin. Wink

Hi Trancepants! Remember me?I remember you. Draenor Paradox. Yup. Man took awhile and an absence when you transferred. We both grew up a little didn’t we. You found me told me something. That’s when I saws red and scope markers thru my eyes and you aimed me up to blast Marvie into tiny little pieces. I didn’t have to harass Marvie anymore on Draenor. He kept coming back too lol. Too bad you missed the Org fun we had while you were gone. Thanks a lot for stealing my friend back. I thanked you too don’t you remember way back then. Problem with you was you refused to eat any of the dragons you helped me to kill.

Mirayla is back and on Azuresong looking for dragons to slay.

But I’m willing to play on other realms too so if you want a crazy mixed up druid or my priest healer you know both let me know. Marvie is looking for fun too. Let him find his own way.

Mirayla says Hi. I had friends in Darkfire would be a raid substitute sometimes. Team player. That’s what the people in Darkfire liked about me. Looking for Darkfire people too.

Beredor Human Warrior

Beredor Human Warrior was in Chimaera and BOGO? been awhile

Beredor, come play with us from BOLO. Add me DaNightRidr#11891