What a blast from the past! I remember you from the < CRC > days. Hope you’re well.
Aeyn Night Elf Druid
Ethereal Knights
sent a request to ya Gladrial
Oh my word Enza!! Goodness gracious long time
I was Auriel and Antibiotica back in the day on Draenor Alliance. Guild was House Unsociable. I think I raided MC with a guild called Noobs en Fuego for a bit too if I remember right.
Hi, everyone.
Glaciation, Dwarf, Priest. You may remember me from such adventures as tanking Musashi’s Thunderfury, summer snowballs in Orgrimmar, and mad Shadow DPS during BC. Aarick, Kbizzle, Yuka, Maveril, Neoknight, Volar, Tealsky, Dagimp, Durango, SecretSquirrel, Zur, Onamier… and the list goes on.
Basically, if the name rings a bell, drop me an add on Glaciation#11963
Hi, Hilena. What sever did you end up on? Add me at Glaciation#11963
Surfin, add me my man Glaciation#11963
Dartric, message me at Glaciation#11963
I’m a broken record at this point
Hi, Fah, drop me an add on Glaciation#11963
Pillow!! I remember you more as Yara
Lunce the Warlock
I did a lot of PvP in Classic & BC
Ecthrong - Holy/Shadow Priest
- Relentless
- Reign
Nice to see you all.
Alliance: Night Elf Hunter (Pyroflame)
Hope I recognize some peeps ~
Cmdrmerlyn Human mage was a member of Mythic Guard, InnerCircle and Little Urban Elites
Human Pally
Night Elf Rogue
Sodality of the Constant
Human Warlock
Guilds- Tons of them over time
WALKER!! not sure if you remember me
Inner Circle, Paradox
The Alliance
Inner Circle
Alliance Priest.
Voted Worst Priest on Draenor and my Guild 3 years in a row, looking to get back on that horse and giver’ another try.
P.S. I can’t tank either.
See you guys out there!
Man Lovecraft! Not sure if you remember me but I’m on rattle gore. Feel free to add my battle tag if you do.
Lunce, the warlock who taught me that warlocks were pvp gods lol.
Add me if you remember me Rynzo#1876
Played shadowsmoon/incomplete