Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

This has got to be sarcasm…

Give me Fel Orcs, Man’ari, Felborne and Fel Totems !!


I hope we do get some Man’ari skin options for Draenei!
The purple and red are particularly good!

This would also justify letting Draenei be warlocks.

The lore expanded. Grow or be left behind.

All classes for all races. :fist:


Again, “lore expanding” would require actual writing and appropriate timing. That’s not the case here. Prior cases had either no real restrictions (monks) or explanations for why they were made (tauren paladins, night elf mages, dwarf shaman).


May I suggest a new game to you then? Guild Wars 2

I do play other games, thanks! I’ve got GW2 and Old Republic. But I’m a Star Wars nerd, so I play Old Republic more— even though they totally destroyed their talent system. >.<

Fair enough, haven’t tried out Old Republic in a long time. May do it later, idk. Another game I’d recommend if you want more fantasy stuff is Divinity 2, it’s pretty fun though it’s singleplayer (you can do multiplayer with 3 others as well)

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Ooh thanks!

For divinity 2, the best comparison I heard for it’s gameplay is something like Pathfinder. It’s camera style is kinda like diablo, the gameplay is turnbased with an action point system, and there’s plenty of roleplay in it. Personally would recommend grabbing Ifan, Lohse, and Red Prince as companions, they are nice (yes, red prince is a bit annoying at the beginning, but he does get better later on in my opinion)
Edit: Also, if you do Lohse’s story, there is something special at the end. Don’t worry, I wont spoil it

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I appreciate the info! You are good people. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Which can be said of several classes by now.

Warlocks of any race.
Demon Hunters.
Death Knights.

We are only told by text that societies are not exactly fond of them, but they do like their powers when on the battlefield, as long as it is not turned against them. But back home, they should be quiet.

That we know, but it is never presented in game via. NPC reaction. There has NEVER been a ‘show don’t tell’ moment of this. Why people suddenly expect it now, is beyond me, draenei warlocks would be no different. Not exactly liked, but tolerated as long as they keep themselves quiet when in civil society.


Ck3 has good total conversion mods for tbh a lot of fantasy settings, agot, WoW, lotr, I know both the Witcher and avatar were mods for ck2 but idk if they’re done for ck3 yet.

Anyways both ck3 and swtor are what I play when I don’t play WoW.

Edit: also I haven’t read the OP and am for all classes on all races so my post in this thread is just replying to this side bar convo cause I saw SWTOR mentioned and had another game rec

These are/were all justified in-game with dialogue options and NPC small talk.

Sunwalkers have a blurb about sun-worshipping Druids starting the order.

Night elf mages were allowed, with much consternation, to return from Dire Maul. There is a book where Maiev tries to assassinate them along with Tyrande and her own brother Jarod because she’s tilted about night elf mages. :sweat_smile:

Kurdran Wildhammer is literally one of the main characters in Warcraft 2. (Dwarf paladins on the other hand… vague posthumous allusion to a guy named Bosch Verigan whose first name isn’t even given in game. Quests removed in Cataclysm.)

Been in the game since 'nilla.

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Sure thing! Thank you! :smiley:

Yes. Where they appeared out of nowhere along with Tauren Druids pulled out of Metzen’s twisting nethers so Alliance wouldn’t have TWO exclusive classes, female Druids such as yourself, sissy cloth nelf Priests who probably should have been Paladins but were retconned to fit in with every other race’s priesthood instead, and the OG WTF Warlocks, Darkspear Trolls.

I’m just saying that class combos appearing from nowhere with no real explanation was not a Cataclysm thing, it was a Classic thing, and the whole game is built on it.

The class combos I mentioned had at least something done inworld. Something else that’s important is that it wasn’t something done at the drop of a hat.

Tauren paladins were hinted at during Wrath of the Lich King, so the idea was given time to take root and percolate. I imagine we would have seen resistance if tauren paladins were instead made a thing in the Argent Tournament patch, the patch implementing ICC, or the patch implementing Ruby Sanctum, as they would have come out of literally nowhere.

Night elf mages had that archmage hanging around the temple in Darnassus waiting for an audience with Tyrande during Wrath. And again, the circumstances are what made them possible (because the point is the mages of Dire Maul sensed something was wrong and knew they had to put their differences aside in order to survive). That there would be resistance shown in a book is logical but overall has no real bearing in the long term, though we should also keep in mind that particular book made terrible use of Maiev that had to later be retconned.

Dwarf shaman are admittedly the weakest example of the three, as their presence is justified through context and was only the result of a book, as we never did a questline about the Wildhammers coming to Ironforge nor the formation of the Council of Three Hammers. Though anyone could see that Falstad Wildhammer and the others being in Ironforge could easily explain dwarf shaman.

Draenei warlocks have none of the above. Their existence could have been explained via a questline during the BFA pre-patch or during BFA. Alternatively, they could have made the development appear in a novel. Or shown in an in-world event. In all three cases, you need to give time for the idea to take root. So the concept falls on its face by all accounts. The only way this could conceivably be given a pass is if the audience doesn’t care about the story and lore, or is easily convinced to believe nebulous statements like “lore changes” without looking at the finer details.


For orcs - you play their shell game through the RFC quest chain.
For humans, they skulked in basements, and a class quest had you poison, fatally, an antagonistic noble.
Wilfred fizzlebang, his botched summoning causing grommash to write off the alliance as a whole, for cavorting with darker forces during TOGC.

I can only speak for the alliance version, they have a embassy, of sorts, but only after they revealed burning legion infiltration right next to anduin, and saved his life.

You could probably point to the first time you enter your factions capital. Gamon aggressive, guards calling for rope, rotten fruit?. Your character only makes it through with the equivalent of diplomatic immunity; a referral from Tirion. You could also refer to the extensive death knight quest presence in WOTLK as a whole.

They are few and far between, and you will note that a lot of this show, dont tell stuff is older content, but it’s present.

So this, never?, i wouldn’t say so.

Dude…. We don’t care about the lore any more. I want undead paladins baby. I’d pay 100$ for that racial change any day.

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