Draenei Thread: Obviously the best women

I mean, an attractive person and a troll are talking. She can probably stay. Maybe she’ll compensate for your absurd tusks, bean shaped head, or beef jerky soles.


Shouldn’t this mean we lightforged are the best since we’re a direct upgrade of draenei?

I wasn’t refering to you

Tusk>Japanese tentacle

You don’t look at the mirror or other draeneis often right?

The most weirdest and out of nowhere comparison I ever heard and besides toes>hoofs.

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Your the second or third person on the forums to tell me this dose it really look that good?

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im going to have to rescind your blood elf badge.

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lightforged are an abomination.

I miss your weird hat.

If they dont speak there 10/10

There accent kills it for me. Never really like it or thought its sexy. But that’s probably caz I work in an halal butcher and 90% of people that come in can’t speak engish or have extremely thick accents that I can’t understand (I’m tone deaf with there accents)

So yer, cut back how thick the draenei accent is and they would be top tier


Lightforged are great but I wouldn’t say the best because of it. More specialized is accurate

Lightforged Draenei girl is best girl. I love this hairstyle so much!

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Them tailwaggers know how to wag.


Just another distraction thread lol.

Nah, nothing so sinister. I’m just bored at work.

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Fair call sorry.

It’s fine, it’s fine.
I better see you when I make a night elf thread though


That put a smile on my face and giggle tyvm

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They do have that housewife aesthetic

What do you mean?

/waggle indeed

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That they do have that housewife aesthetic

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